标题: 合成一个新型NF-κB相关启动子藉此增加在肿瘤细胞中的基因表现
The creation of a novel NF-κB base promoter to enhance transgene expression in tumor cells
作者: 林弘育
关键字: 起动子;NF-kB;癌症;promoter;NF-kB;cancer
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 利用肿瘤专一性起动子可以专一性的在肿瘤细胞中表现转殖基因。但是因其活性太弱,所以治疗效果有限。在此我们建构一个能快速得到具有高表现量或专一性的启动子库平台。近年来研究发现,NF-κB与肿瘤细胞的转移、生长、抗细胞凋亡的机制有关。因此,本实验以NF-κB为主轴并选用与NF-κB相关能直接或间接加强基因表现的转录因子,Sp1、CREB和MEF-2将之随机黏合配对,做出一个NF-κB相关启动子库。再者,低效率的启动子会妨碍高效率启动子的筛选,所以我们尝试利用已知的磁珠分离技术搭配竞争剂以降低表现量的启动子。实验证明在Balb/3T3利用这种改良的磁珠分离技术,的确可降低低效率启动子1.59% 左右,而中效率启动子的占有率提高了7.99%。所以此种改良的磁珠分离技术的确可降低质体中,低效率启动子的比率。
此技术可以在Balb/3T3,A549细胞株上挑选到高表现量,或是具肿瘤专一性的启动子。虽然目前还有很多序列未定出 (长度大于1 kb),但是可以看出在肿瘤细胞中具高表现量的两个启动子其中有一个有两个NF-κB结合部位。另一个则无。这说明了肿瘤虽然有高活性的NF-κB,但是其它的转录因子或许也是很重要的。利用此种策略不但可以了解肿瘤细胞的最佳启动子组成,也可以观测出哪些转录因子在肿瘤细胞是重要的。藉此可以更深入的了解肿瘤细胞,进而找到治疗癌症更好的方法。
Tumor-specific promoters are useful tools to accomplish specific expression in targeted tumor cells. However, a low level of gene expression is the chief defect of tumor-specific promoters. We have set up a platform to quickly gain high active and specific promoter library. Recently, many researches have discovered that NF-κB is associated with cancer, including metastasis, tumor proliferation and anti-apoptosis. Therefore, we created a novel NF-κB based promoter library by randomly assembling Sp1, CRE, and MEF-2 binding sites.
Furthermore, low expressive promoters may interfere with the selection for the promoter with high expression activity. I used the techniques magnetic beads separation combing with the competitor (MBSCS) to solve this problem. In this experiment, promoter library transfected into Balb/3T3 from this modified separation system could decrease the expression of low expressive promoters by 1.59 % overall. Meanwhile, it increased the expression of medium expressive promoters by 7.99% overall. Therefore, the method can reduce the expression ratio of the low expressive promoters in plasmid.
Using this technology, high expressive or tumor-specific promoters were selected from A549 and Balb/3T3 cells. Although their sequences are not fully (over 1kb), there were sequenced still observed some results. There are two high and tumor-specific promoters from separation. One has two binding sites; the other has none. Let us which means other transcription factors may play an important role in cancers except for NF-κB. This strategy not only let us understand the context of high efficient promoter in tumor cells, but also let us knows which factors in the tumor cells are important. This may take advantage of it to more thorough understanding about tumor cells, and find a better treatment for cancer.


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