Title: 探討全面績效管理透過中介構念對員工工作滿意之影響-以品質導向之A公司為例
Effect of Total Performance Management on Employee's Job Satisfaction Via Mediate Constructs:Case of A Quality-driven Company
Authors: 劉又禎
Yu-Chen Liu
William Jen
Hsiu-Kuei Kuo
Keywords: 全面績效管理;工作滿意;組織正義;薪資滿意;Total performance management;Job satisfaction;Organizational Justice;Pay satisfaction
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 處於環境變遷快,產品生命週期短,產業競爭劇烈及消費者意識抬頭的時代,使得近年企業趨向追求全面品質管理策略,除講究產品產量外,還須重視產品品質、彈性、服務等各種品質項目,希望藉由差異化的品質能吸引消費者,並使得既有的顧客成為忠誠顧客。然而許多企業的績效評估方式並未隨經營策略改變而調整,仍繼續使用端視員工生產實體產品或服務量的傳統績效評估方式。由於全面品質管理是源自品質保證的系統,本質上是強調技術系統之硬性層面;績效評估則是強調以人為主的軟性層面做管理,所以兩者存在本質上的差異。Deming提出績效評估會破壞追求品質導向企業的發展,也會對員工情感面及工作滿意造成負向影響,所以應將績效評估從組織中移除。 然而,許多學者認為大多數的企業是仍有需要使用績效評估,這是因為企業組織對於人員晉升、加薪等皆必須以工作績效作為衡量準則,所以與其消極的移除員工績效評估,倒不如想辦法解決品質管理與績效評估準則之間的不一致性。Masterson and Taylor整合先前學者所提出品質導向組織的績效評估準則,及全面品質管理原則,提出「全面績效管理」的概念性績效管理架構。相關研究主張,若員工績效評估準則與全面品質管理規則具一致性,則會使員工情感與工作滿意產生正面的態度。但是這些文獻大部分屬於理論性的探討,很少進行實證研究。本研究認為這是一個值得繼續深入探討的議題,故尋找一個適合的A個案公司,進行實證研究。 本研究經回顧組織正義、薪資滿意與工作滿意相關文獻後,除建立全面績效管理對於程序正義、非薪資滿意理論的假設外,並將分配正義、薪資滿意以及員工工作滿意納入因果關係模式的建構。本研究問卷六構念共有52個問項,依照個案公司地理區域,分層隨機抽樣發放,總共發放1000份問卷,有效問卷回收623份。 研究結果顯示,本研究所提出的七個假設均獲得成立,各路徑係數的正負號也符合本研究之假設影響關係。其中包括本研究所建立的假設一:全面績效管理對於程序正義有正向影響關係;假設二:全面績效管理對於非薪資滿意有正向的影響關係,與全面品質管理相輔相成的全面績效管理,確實會使得員工對於程序正義以及非薪資滿意有正向影響關係。另外,實證結果也顯示,全面績效管理的確會透過程序正義與非薪資滿意等中介變項,對員工知覺工作滿意產生正向影響效果。 最後,本研究依據此次實證分析結果與所得結論,提出對個案的管理建議與未來研究方向的討論。
In industrial environmental changes rapidly, product life cycle is short, industrial competition is fierce, and consumers’ rights are awakening, make enterprise is it pursue Total Quality Management (TQM). However, many enterprises' performance appraisal approach adjusts by no means along with the management strategy change, still continued to use looks at staff productivity or the service quantity traditional performance appraisal approach. Deming believes the traditional performance appraisal will destroy the pursue quality guidance enterprise, also will bring employees negative emotion and job satisfaction, so must remove the performance appraisal from the organization. However, many scholars thought the most enterprise was still has the need to use the performance appraisal, because the organization regarding the personnel to promote, raise in salary and so on, all have to according to performance appraisal. Therefore, instead removed staff performance appraisal, they should try to find a solution to solve the inconsistent criterion problem between the quality management and the performance appraisal. Masterson and Taylor proposed "Total Performance Management (TPM)" as the quality guidance organization's performance appraisal criterion as well as the comprehensive quality control principle, they advocated this management approach will cause employees emotion and job satisfaction has the positive manner. But this issue had very few empirical studies, this study thought this issue which is worth continuing thoroughly to discuss, therefore seeks a suitable Company A, conducted an empirical study. After reviewing related literature of organization justice, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction, this study established a model about total performance management affect job satisfaction via pay satisfaction, facet satisfaction, procedural justice, and distributive justice. This study took a quality orientation freight transport and logistic company as an example, sent out 1000 questionnaires, and get back 623 effective questionnaires. After applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for verifying causal relation among TPM, job satisfaction and other constructs. This result indicated that seven hypothesized path coefficients in the proposed model were statistically significant. Also verifying that use TPM will increase employees’ perceptions of procedural justice, facet satisfaction, and job satisfaction. Finally, according to the empirical study, this study discussed some management policies and proposed some suggestions for future the study.
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