Title: | 群體決策與自組特徵映射應用於期貨投資報酬率預測之研究 Using Group Decision Making and Self-Organizing Map to Forecast the Return of Futures |
Authors: | 林芳君 Fang-Chun Lin 陳安斌 An-Pin Chen 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 自組織映射圖神經網路;群體決策;集群分析;交易策略;Self-Organizing Maps Neural Network;Group Decision Making;Cluster Analysis;Trading Strategy |
Issue Date: | 2005 |
Abstract: | 近年來隨著資訊科技發展帶動金融市場成熟與全球化,以資訊科技輔助金融投資決策日益受到投資者的關注。然運用非監督式分群於指數報酬率預測的研究,鮮少探討分群效度與獲利之間的關係。故本研究探討人工智慧領域中非監督式分群的自組織特徵映射圖(Self-Organizing Map, SOM)神經網路,由於SOM神經網路以自我群聚模式將大量未分類資料分群,使高維度複雜非線性資料轉化為低維度幾何關係,以萃取隱含於資料中的知識規則且能提供視覺化功能。本研究以台灣加權指數1991年至2000年資料為研究標的,蒐集日K線圖的開、高、低、收四價資料作為SOM輸入因子,利用SOM分群的特性以攫取股市中不同的K線圖走勢,將探勘30天的K線圖形拆解為24天比對圖形與6天預測圖形,即以24天K線圖形預測下一週股價指數走勢。本研究預測標的採取與加權指數具有高相關性的台指期貨,從實證結果發現2001至2005年中的分群效度最佳模式,並不一定最適合預測。故本研究提出群體決策SOM神經網路作為改善模型,整合群體知識提供預測與視覺化功能輔助投資者決策,減少單一模式預測偏誤,發現此模型顯著績效優於分群效度最佳模式與隨機模式。再者,本研究提出動態學習以配合時空環境的改變,進而達到演化SOM神經網路的預測訊號,以及適用於SOM神經網路的振幅標準差停損方法,藉由兩種改善機制可達到模式自我回饋修正、減少單次最大損失金額及提高獲利能力。 In recent years, the advanced development of information technology has lead to mature and global financial markets. The use of artificial intelligence progressively raises knowledge discovery in financial domain. The construction of a strategic investment decision system emphasizes a maximal return and minimal loss in trading. In this paper, proposing an investment decision system bases on self-organizing maps (SOM), neural network, non dynamic improve the profit return. The K-chart analysis is input variables and is used of finding out diverse 30-days stock index patterns. SOM enhances the accuracy of forecast signals and reduces investment loss by self-learning and execute stop loss trade in standard deviation. Moreover, integrating the group decision and SOM is effectively in forecasting than the best cluster validity of SOM. The result of decision model could transform signal to adapt circumstances change, maximize profitability and minimize loss. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79529 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |