Title: 台灣高科技產業的創業環境模型之研究
An Entrepreneurial and Environmental Model for Technological Ventures in Taiwan
Authors: 黃裕淵
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
Keywords: 高科技產業創業環境模型;創投產業;育成中心;創意中心;群聯電子;An Entrepreneurial and Environmental Model for Technological Ventures;Venture Capitals;Business Incubator;Originality Center;Phison Electronics Corporation
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 面對科技發展與產業模式不斷更新,新創企業想要在這世界的舞台上占有一席之地,惟有加速技術創新的腳步,資源做最適當的配置,才有機會在世界產業競技場中勝出。台灣所具有創業的優勢,其人民較富有創業精神,企業組織彈性較高、且有很強的商品化能力;若能妥善運用這些優勢,並配合政府的政策,有系統的扶植更多具高度成長潛力的「技術密集」或「創新型」企業,將可帶動國內產業持續發展與成長,進而提昇我國經濟競爭優勢。然而科技創新與新創事業的發展,除了企業內部的實力培養外,周邊經營環境與總體氣氛的營造,亦是其邁向成功不可或缺的要素,一個新創事業的誕生除了技術或創意本身之外,尚需其他環境面與資源面的種種要素搭配。在經過政府、民間企業、創投業者及輔導單位多年的努力,國內高科技創業相關環境已日趨完備,根據袁建中教授提出的高科技產業創業環境模型,可以了解這些資源可概括分為創投產業、育成中心、創意中心以及外部環境等構面;而本研究也將以群聯電子公司為個案,進行研究,一方面可以了解台灣創業環境模型與高科技新創公司實際互動情形,同時政府也可進一步參考此模型,制定台灣高科技創業環境的政策走向。
With technological developments and strategies constantly being improved, the only way for newly established corporations to grab hold of the market and come out on top is if they increase their pace in terms of technological innovations and adequate division of funds. Taiwan possesses such qualities as having a competitive edge in terms of technological innovations, entrepreneurship, higher flexibility among business organizations, and strong commercialization abilities; with proper applications of these competitive edges along with supportive government policies and a systematic approach to support the “technologically concentrated” and “highly innovative” corporations which posses high growth potentials can help promote a healthy continual growth and development of industries and to increase Taiwan’s competitive edge in terms of economic growth. However, asides from the internal cultivation of corporate strengths, the development of a supportive atmosphere is also a necessity in terms of the establishment of entrepreneurial and technologically innovative firms. In order for such firms to succeed, other environmental factors and location of key resources are essential in their development process. Taiwan’s high tech start up environments mature through the support from the government, private enterprises, VC's, related support systems. From an entrepreneurial and environmental model for technological ventures, we can to know that these resources can be categorized into some dimensions: the VC industry, the business incubators, originality center and supported entrepreneurial resources. We will choose Phison Electronics Corporation to do some study, on one hand we can to know the interaction between environmental model of technological ventures and high tech start up, and on the other hand Taiwan’s government can make some appropriate policy from this model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis