Title: | 桃園縣危險物品救災資訊庫之建立及安全管理對策之研究 The Investigation of e-database for Hazardous Material and Methodology of Safety Management System |
Authors: | 黃再枝 T. C. Huang 陳俊勳 Chiun-Hsun Chen 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
Keywords: | 危險物品製造;處理;儲存之場所;電腦檢索資訊庫程式;有效管理對策;Place of producing;dealing with;storing hazardous material;computer searching data base program;effective management countermeasure |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | 本論文係以桃園縣九五四家可能具有危險物品之場所為對象作現況調查,藉以了解本縣目前有那些危險物品製造、處理、儲存之場所,是否符合相關法令規定。在研究過程中,首先收集國內、外有關公共危險物品相關法規或規範等文獻資料,予以整理並分析;同時進行訪視工作,在訪視之前,透過專家討論,事先設計好調查表,召集被調查對象之工廠、學校及消防局、大隊、分隊同仁,說明本項調查之重要性;並製作電腦磁片及調查表填寫指南、範例說明等分送工廠及學校,特別為了資料填寫之正確性與完整性,委由工研院專家及本人組成訪視小組,帶領各分隊消防同仁進行現場訪視,協助工廠、學校完成填寫工作。調查表回收後,一一審核通過後,才輸入資料庫建立基本資料,完成電腦檢索資訊庫程式,將調查表分成工廠基本資料之建立、廠區製造/儲存/處理公共危險物品狀況及工廠之位置圖、地理位置圖、工廠內部配置圖三大部份,資料採用關聯式資料庫規劃,透過API Web base 提供資料存取,並呈現於前端使用者介面(前台使用及後台管理介面),讓使用者能透過網際網路連線即可線上即時進行資料查詢、瀏覽、異動等功能。另為落實推動「公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體設置標準暨安全管理辦法」之規定,提出有效管理對策,針對桃園縣內所有被列管廠家嚴格要求設置危險物品標示、保安監督人、防災計畫書、緊急應變計畫、平面配置圖、救災器材、消防安全設備維護與檢查等安全措施與管理對策之實施,確實達成將災害減至最低,人員傷亡及財產之損失減至最少,以符合維護公共安全之目的。
有效管理對策。 954 factories in Taoyuan, having potential hazardous materials, are surveyed to understand whether those places for producing, dealing with, and storing dangerous items are lawful to relevant regulations. Firstly, an intensive review is given for all of the related codes and regulations, both overseas and in Taiwan. Meanwhile, interviews are carrying out after the prior design of the questionnaire, discussed by the relevant experts. To engage the field survey, representatives from factories and schools, as well as colleagues from the headquarter of Fire bureau and local teams are assembled to be told the significance of the survey, followed by sending computer A discs containing documents to illustrate and introduce the way to fill up the questionnaire. Besides, for pursuing the accuracy and completeness of the questionnaire, a visiting group, composed by the study researcher and experts from Industrial Technology Research Institution, are accompanied by colleagues from local teams of Fire Bureau, to give field interviews to each factory and school for helping them finish the questionnaire. After getting back the questionnaire, each one is examined and selected to put into the database. The searching database program is divided into three major parts: the establishment of basic information of each factory; the current state it produce, deal with, and store public hazardous materials; plus the maps of geological site and inner sectors distribution of the factory. The data is processed by using Relevant database method, through API Web base to provide data access and perform to interface offorward user, for user to search, browse and renew the data instantaneously just from internet. In addition, to carry out the “Regulations of establishing standard and security management of public hazardous materials and inflammable high pressure gas”, some effective managing countermeasures are suggested: aiming at all the constrained factories and asking them strictly to put signs of hazardous materials, to set up a security ensuring superintendent, to bring up a disaster prevent and emergency reaction plans, to draw factory internal sectors distribution site map, to figure out the scheme for maintaining and checking fire control equipments, and all the other details to promote security measures and managing plans. For doing this, the disaster can be reduced to the lowest extent, as well as the casualties and property damage, so that the objectives to safeguard public security can by achieved. Key words: Place for producing, dealing with, and storing hazardous material、computer searching data base program、effective management countermeasure |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79714 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |