標題: 錯置-空間事件之互動張力
Dispositions-The Reciprocal Tension of Spatial Events
作者: 李蕙如
關鍵字: 錯置;dispositions
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 歷久不斷,創作者從未放棄或按奈對於自身的質問以及群體文化的信仰,也因此文明得以活躍多元地向前起落著。而當代建築,站在連串的數世紀革命與運動不斷對於形式、機能、構築及材料等多種面向辯證討論的時間軸上,企圖以更為積極的態度來探索未來的面貌的可能性,並且同時,仍忠實的貼近其最原始的出發面,回歸於使用者的真實空間體驗,以尋求之中的平衡點。


Subjected to the topic of dispositions- the reciprocal tension of spatial events, this portfolio aims to indicate a conception of forming translated from the complexity of coexisting programs. Through the operative design process of conflating heterogeneous spatial events in first two projects –Fashion [Inc.]ubator and Government administration-and the analysis oriented process of constructing a dynamic system in the third project-Architecture non-standard-, the rethinking of formation for contemporary architecture returning to the origin of life, is considered to represent a reading of interaction between multitudes.

In the framework of processive evolution of centrally architectural conception, traditional idea of order which presented the classical interpretation of space that based upon the motif of composition-as a hierarchical relationship and predictable figuration between parts- evolved into the modern thought of new order which was affiliating to the interpretation of space and time that base upon the idea of spatial position-as a freer relationship and syntonic ideology between objects. Following that sequential construct, the contemporary thoughts propose a new idea of time and a new informal order of space based upon the conception of disposition –-as combination/distribution of position --, and also the attempts to transform the dynamic and plural articulation of information. In its entirety, we move on from a view of predictable principles and a measurable vision of universe to a differential one.

In responding to the evolutionary property of position as a predictable process and a static system, the dynamic system of disposition searches the capacity for evolution to generate the original figuration and performs in an instable variation. That is, through representing combinations of possibility regarding to generic schemes of movement and behaviors, the dynamism for dispositions alter to extent with the factors in incidence of information. In the meantime, the dispositions as logics of internal criteria, more than ever, provide the flexible reading of variable bits of information, and enlarge the possibility of interaction effected by the reciprocal tension of simultaneous and heterogeneous spatial events.

Aimed at fostering manifold, strengthening relationship, figuring advanced architecture, today, logics of the formation which are oriented toward diversity, evolutivity, multiplicity and flexibility, point to atypical conflation with redefining and reprogramming of events. Therefore, the conception of disposition -as dynamic configuration, as a combination of position, as character of order- recurs in itself and alludes to spatial elements, events and behaviors.


  1. 750301.pdf
  2. 750302.pdf
  3. 750303.pdf
  4. 750304.pdf
  5. 750305.pdf
  6. 750306.pdf

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