Title: 光學滑鼠位移感測器軌跡線性量測研究
A Study of Measurement of Tracking Performance Characteristics of Optical Mouse Motion Sensor
Authors: 朱濟群
Chi-Chun Chu
Yu-Chung Huang
Keywords: 影像感測晶片;光學滑鼠;位移偵測;直線迴歸;軌跡效能;CMOS Sensor;Optical Mouse;Motion Detection;Regression;Tracking Performance
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 「滑鼠」:目前是個人電腦週邊輸入裝置中重要的配備之一,滑鼠的操控性能也攸關整個電腦的操控便利性,然而影響滑鼠的操控性能,首要因子便是滑鼠游標位移流暢與解析度,而位移感測元件的線性效能決定了位移解析度與精確度。本論文主要針對光學式滑鼠位移感測元件在不同光源波長、高度、位移轉動角度和速度條件下的線性效能。引進三角函數式與直線迴歸模型作為軌跡線性預測理論,進而設計開發量測治具與軟體來控制以定位精度為 5um、速度 0 ~500mm/s (0 ~ 20ips)、加速度 0 ~ 2G (G=9.8m/sec2)的可程式 X-Y 二維滑動平台,經由特製活動夾具推動光學滑鼠,討論以不同接觸表面的材質、顏色深淺、相對高度與使用的光源相互間的關係與影響,進行光學式滑鼠感測元件位移解析度與線性軌跡精確度的量測分析,提出客觀的量測且有效而科學的分析方法,是本論文探討與研究的重點。
<Mouse>:Mouse is one of the most important input devices in personal computer peripheral now. Mouse’s ability also determines the performance for the computer operation. However; Resolution and Accuracy are major factors to impact the cursor working smooth of the mouse. Thus the Motion Sensor’s characteristic decides the Resolution and Accuracy of the tracking performance. this thesis is focused on the motion sensor of the optical mouse and study in different light source (wavelength;λ); height; angle and velocity to test tracking performance. In order to calculate the tracking of trajectory that we recommend to use the regression line model and trigonometric function for the tracking estimation. Besides; to control velocity and angle of the test trajectory that we adopt 2 axes type high precision automove platform with programmable machine (orientation =5um; velocity= 0 ~ 500mm/s; acceleration=0~2G) to analysis and measure optical motion sensor. The result is shown in this thesis an objective and scientific methodology to industrial application.
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