Title: 以鐵心技術整合磁性元件之設計
A Magnetic Integration Based Approach for Inductance and Transformer Design
Authors: 劉通達
Tung-Ta Liu
Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 共鐵心;變壓器;電感器;integrate magnetic core;transformer;inductance
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,以電磁理論、電路系統理論及有限元素數值方法進行研究,以整合鐵心技術,整合電感及變壓器,達到增加能量密度。目前,尚無模組化電源系統,利用整合鐵心技術方式來設計,相較於傳統轉換方式而言,整合鐵心技術方式,可做為電力模組,體積小型化、效率提昇及降低成本技術之ㄧ。另運用Flux 2D模擬軟體,針對鐵心分析,通過二次側線圈、電抗器線圈,磁力線大小及分布情形。並自鐵心材質、形狀等著手,進而將電源供應器中之變壓器及電感器整合於一鐵心,期使達到電源供應器體積簡化之目的。以模擬軟體驗證鐵心材質,可運用之頻率範圍及其功率傳輸效率,以擷取鐵心材料之資訊,在以鐵心形狀、線圈配置及空氣隙開置,期使發揮變壓器功能及電感器功效,進而達到整體效益。
In this thesis , The integration technology of magnetic components such as inductance and transformer was studied. It has been reported that the power density might be increased and the volume of magnetic components might be decreased when the inductance and the transformer of the circuit are integrated with one core. That might have a lot of advantages for switching power supply. Among these advantages, it is clear that the volume of the whole circuit will be significantly reduced and the power density will be improved. By using electromagnetic theory with the numerical simulation of Flux-2D, from the material of core to the shape of core, in this thesis we have successfully simulated that such an application is feasible for the right choice of circuit topology and the magnetic core.
Appears in Collections:Thesis