Title: 以萃思方法(TRIZ)建構系統工程設計模式之研究
Use TRIZ methodology to construct the system engineering design model
Authors: 黃志明
Keywords: 系統工程;工程設計模式;系統化創新;發明原則;System Engineering;Engineering Design Model;TRIZ;Systematic Innovation;Inventive Principles
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 摘 要 設計是為了創造新的產品、過程或系統,以滿足顧客的需求。由於飛彈系統往往是一個大型且多功能的複雜系統,因此一般飛彈系統的研發大都遵循系統工程程序進行發展,藉由科學化、系統化、反覆運作的邏輯程序及有條不紊的作業法則,在不斷的反覆檢討及更新發展,以促使研發任務的各項需求能完全轉成實體設計與系統性能特性上,再經由不斷的測試驗證與改進的過程,來達到使用者所要的飛彈系統。而飛彈系統設計則是研發過程中的核心工作,整個設計過程又可以分解為彼此相互銜接的一系列程序,在每一個程序中,其核心活動就是針對某項特定內容單元的設計工作,把這些單項的設計工作綜合起來,就構成系統工程程序的全部內涵。 儘管在飛彈系統設計的過程是以有系統及有組織的方法進行研究分析,以避免落入完全依照主觀經驗的設計行為,且實務上我們會依照系統設計模式的方法來落實飛彈系統的規劃與設計需求上,讓飛彈系統設計的工作能有紀律有系統的完成。然而在系統發展的概念階段,對於如何要滿足任務需求所需採取的方案設計以及在工程發展過程中,對於如何解決工程技術的矛盾問題,大都憑藉個人的專業知識及經驗,或是透過研發團隊的腦力激盪,共同尋找可行的方案與問題解,在此方案設計與求解的過程幾乎是以尋求trade off (尋優或折衷)的方法來解決問題。然而TRIZ卻視矛盾為系統改善或精進的大好良機,其是追隨前人思考的軌跡,萃取前人發明的原理並歸納一般的通則,做為往後問題解決的思考方向。本文應用TRIZ方法解決飛彈系統工程發展的問題相當具成效。讓我們更加肯定運用TRIZ所創造的概念,不僅方向完全正確,在工程問題解決上變得更加得心應手,大幅縮短研發與工程問題解決的時間。
ABSTRACT Design is an innovation process which creates products, procedures, or systems, and the purpose of design is to satisfy customers’ requirement. In order to keep cost low and to meet schedule’s requirement, the design of complicated and sophisticated systems, like missile systems, must follow system engineering procedure which consistently, recursively and iteratively breaks down a system into system components, designs/tests the system components, and then integrates the system components into a system. System engineering procedures are conducted by human beings during brain storming and with trade-off between conflicts from individuals’ knowledge and experience. However, human beings are emotional.。 TRIZ is a methodology which models and abstracts human beings’ experience into rules which are used as the basis to face future problems, especially on coping with conflicts between people. In this paper, TRIZ is adopted during the concept design phase to design mission requirement of a missile system, and the result is satisfied in terms of shortening the schedule of the project.。
Appears in Collections:Thesis