Title: 不同促銷類別對消費者知覺品質和知覺價值的影響
The impact of different type promotion on consumer’s perceived quality and perceived value
Authors: 戴玉棋
Yu-Chi Dai
Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 促銷;知覺品質;知覺價值;promotion;perceived qulaity;pecreived value
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 促銷可以刺激消費者的購買,使廠商達到短期的銷售目的,然而促銷可能會使消費者產生負面的產品品質認知。雖然,促銷能為消費者帶來金錢上的節省,進而減少消費者的貨幣犧牲,但同時也可能會對消費者的知覺品質產生負面影響,因為消費者認為降低後的折扣價格為產品的真實價格,如此可能改變對產品品質的推斷,所以,透過貨幣犧牲與品質認知的抵換後,折扣降價是否會使消費者產生負面的品質推斷,並且導致知覺價值的降低,以及贈品比折扣是否能維持產品的品質認知是本研究想探討的。 本研究主要目的在探討不同類別的促銷方式下,對消費者知覺品質與知覺價值的影響,以及知覺品質與知覺價值、知覺價值與購買意願的關係,並進一步檢視在價格水準(高定價與低定價)下所產生的影響及差異。本研究選擇以有形商品與無形服務比例相近的餐飲服務為欲實驗探討的商品。以實驗設計的方式,採用的自變數為促銷方式的類別,分別為價格導向類(降價)、非價格導向類(贈品)與未促銷類,未促銷類為實驗對照組,以此比較價格導向類的促銷方式是否會使消費者產生負面的知覺品質與知覺價值。經由敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定與變異數分析等驗證研究假設。 研究結果顯示: 1. 價格導向類的促銷方式不會使消費者產生負面的知覺品質。 2. 非價格導向類的促銷方式比價格導向類的促銷方式更能維持消費者對產品品質的評價。 3. 高定價水準之消費者知覺品質高於低定價水準之消費者知覺品質。 4. 價格水準與促銷類別的交互作用不會有顯著的影響效果。 5. 價格導向類的促銷方式之消費者知覺價值高於非價格導向類的促銷方式 6. 價格導向類的促銷方式不會引起消費者產生負面的知覺價值 7. 知覺品質與知覺價值有正向的影響關係 8. 知覺價值與購買意願呈現正向關係
Many company use sale promotion to stimulate consumer’s purchase, however, sale promotion would cause negative quality of product on consumer’s perception. Although consumer could save their expense by sale promotion, they think the price of discount is the true price and change their evaluation from positive attitude to negative attitude. From the counteraction of the money reduction and quality perception, would consumers feel negative perceived quality and perceived value by price discount, and would they feel higher quality perception in gift promotion than in price promotion? The purpose of this research is to investigate consumer’s perceived quality and perceived value by different type of promotion, and the relation of perceived quality and perceived value, perceived value and purchase desire. Furthermore, to examine the effect and variation by high price level and low price level. The experiment product is food service for the similar proportion product and service. A 3*2 factorial design experiment was employed in this study. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and T-test was used to test the hypotheses. The major findings of this experiment include: 1. The consumer won’t perceive negative quality by price promotion. 2. The consumer’s perceived quality is higher in non-price promotion than in price promotion. 3. The consumer’s perceived quality is higher in the price level than in the low price level. 4. The price level and the promotion type will not have interaction on consumer’s perceived quality. 5. The consumer will feel higher perceived value in price promotion than in non-price promotion. 6. The consumer will not perceive negative value by price promotion. 7. The relation of consumer’s perceived quality and perceived value is positive. 8. The relation of consumer’s perceived value and purchase is positive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis