Title: 數學軟體DERIVE應用於高職學生學習不等式概念的教學研究
A Study of Using Mathematic Software, DERIVE, to Teach Inequality in a Vocational School
Authors: 陳昱伶
Yu-Ling Chen
Yuan Yuan
Keywords: 不等式;電腦代數系統;數學軟體DERIVE;高職學生;Inequality;Computer algebra system;DERIVE;Vocational school
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究主要是使用數學軟體DERIVE設計高職一年級學生學習不等式單元的數學科學習素材,並分析教師使用數學軟體DERIVE來進行不等式單元的教學活動後對學生學習的影響。本研究採單一組前後測準實驗設計,以新竹市某私立高中附設職業類科一年級學生86人為研究樣本。為檢驗學生在不同環境下的評量結果,將學生依前測分數進行S型分成A、B二組,其中A組學生在電腦教室進行後測,B組學生在一般教室進行後測。 本研究結果及發現如下: 1.不論在電腦教室或一般教室進行評量,學生在接受DERIVE所設計的學習活動後,其後測成績均顯著高於前測成績。 2.經逐題分析A、B兩組學生在後測的解題表現,顯示在電腦教室進行後測的學生已能嘗試使用DERIVE作為求解不等式的工具,因此在求解不等式的問題比在一般教室進行評量的學生表現較好,但對於圖形及不等式的解之間的連結仍有不足,故兩組學生在此部分的解題表現並無顯著差異。 最後根據研究結果和發現,提出若干建議以做為教師教學改進與未來研究之參考。
The purposes of this study were to apply mathematics software, DERIVE, to design teaching activities for vocational school students, and to explore its effect on students’ learning of inequalities. The one-group quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design was used to examine the experimental effects. Participates were 86 first graders from two classes in a private vocational high school in Hsinchu city. After the experimental activities, the S-shape strategy was used and students were separated into two group based on their pretest grades. Group A took their posttest in the computer lab and Group B took their posttest in the ordinary classroom. The research results are as following: 1. No matter where students took their posttest, students’ test scores on the posttest was significance better than those on the pretest. 2. Based on analyzing students’ performance on each question of the posttest, it was found that Group A students displayed their ability to apply DERIVE to solve solutions of an inequality. Therefore, Group A students did perform better on those test questions that were related to find the solutions of an inequality. It seemed that students in both groups were still lack of a connection between graphic and algebraic meaning of an inequality. And no significance difference was found in the two groups on these test questions. Based on research results and findings, suggestions were provided for future reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis