Title: 報酬、交易量與研發費用對股價動能策略之影響探討-以臺灣上市櫃資訊電子業為例
The Influence of Return, Trading Volume and R&D Expenditures on Price Momentum Strategy -An Empirical Study on TSE and OTC Information
Authors: 李文琳
Wen-Ling Lee
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 動能策略;交易量週轉率;研發費用;反應過度;反應不足;momentum strategy;trading volume;R&D expenditures;overreaction;underreaction
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 過去許多文獻證實投資策略能在股票市場中獲得超常報酬,推究其原因為投資人的過度自信與對訊息的反應錯誤所導致,因而衍伸出各種投資策略以求最大的超常報酬。本研究參考Lee & Swaminathan(2000)的研究方式,除了前期報酬、交易量變數外,又加上研究發展變數來形成投資組合,探討由1998年1月至2006年9月台灣資訊電子類股所組成的各個投資組合搭配上49種形成期與持有期研究期間,推論各種投資組合未來報酬變化的特性。本研究以上述三變數產生一維、二維、三維共15種投資組合形成方式來形成投組,並且依各投組持有期的報酬變化判斷投組的報酬持續性與報酬反轉現象,進而組成捕捉股價反應不足或反應過度的最佳策略,並且比較各種維度間策略的績效。

In this study, we investigate the usefulness of past returns, trading volume and R&D expenditures in predicting cross-sectional returns for various momentum portfolios. The study is organized into three parts. In the first part, we only use one of the three factors to form portfolios. In the second part, we use two of the three factors to form portfolios. In the three parts, we use all of the three factors to form portfolios. Similar to methodology of Lee and Swaminathan (2000), we analyze the data from TSE and OTC information and electronic firms in Taiwan during the period January 1998 to September 2006. Specifically, we discuss the influence of different sequence of forming portfolios rules by three factors on future returns.
Our results can be summarized as follows. First, using simple return or R&D momentum strategy can’t capture correct stocks trend. Second, using simple trading volume momentum strategy can capture the stocks which were overreaction. Third, we found MLC hypothesis also exists in Taiwan information and electronic stock market. Fourth, Similar to MLC hypothesis, the relationship of past returns and R&D expenditures also can be showed by another momentum life cycle. Fifth, the performances of investing strategies using three factors are better than using only one or two factors. However the performances are influenced by different sequence of forming portfolios rules.
Appears in Collections:Thesis