Title: | 以創新理論分析數位音樂市場現況及未來發展趨勢 An analysis of digital music industry by innovation theory |
Authors: | 蔡佩珊 毛治國 Mao Chi-Kuo 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 數位音樂;線上音樂;行動音樂;破壞性創新;鴻溝論;因緣和合;digital music;online music;mobile music service;disruptive innovation;crossing the chasm |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 在網路迅速發展下,許多產業都朝向數位化的發展趨勢,音樂市場也隨著MP3、AAC、WMA等音樂壓縮技術崛起,由傳統的實體店鋪銷售逐漸演變成藉由檔案傳輸的無實體銷售模式,產生了新興的數位音樂市場。產業的崛起或是企業的成功與否其實都是受到內因(自身主體)及外緣(外在環境客體)兩股力量的交互作用所產生,本研究主要以「破壞性創新」以及「鴻溝論」兩種創新理論來描述、分析科技創新對於數位音樂市場所帶來的影響;並採用個案分析法加以探討Apple及NTT DoCoMo分別在美國線上音樂市場及日本行動音樂市場的成功關鍵因素,推論台灣數位音樂市場的未來發展趨勢。研究分析後發現,Apple及NTT DoCoMo的成功並不是只靠自身企業的單一力量來改變價值鏈,而是結合上游的內容提供業者以及搭配平台使用的硬體設備(iPod或行動電話)來共同進行變革,因此可推論出一個數位音樂產業價值鏈的方程式:滿足消費者需求 = 內容提供業者 × 硬體設備 × 數位音樂中介平台。想要滿足消費者聽音樂的需求,必須結合等號右方的三股力量相乘而成,在此採用相乘而非相加的因素在於三者若有任一為零就無法滿足消費者需求,並且必須有一主導者負責業者統整各方資源,帶動整個產業發展。目前台灣數位音樂市場仍處於初期萌芽階段,應有業者挺身而出成為整個產業發展的主導者,先充實內容的豐富度後,結合各方資源推出符合消費者期望的音樂服務,推動產業的發展及成長。 This research is intended to analyze how the technological innovation influences music market through innovative theory. The success of an industry depends on internal causes (one's own subject) and external factors (external environmental object). This research applied the following two theories, disruptive innovation and crossing the chasm, to analyze the strategic implications involved the Apple in online music market and NTT DoCoMo in mobile music market and to predict the future digital music market in Taiwan. The key successful factors of the two aboved films can be an equation: To meet the need of customers = Contents provider × Equipments × Platforms. To meet the need of customers, it must combine three factors and anyone can’t be zero. In addition, someone has to be a leader to integrate resources to drive the industry to grow. Now digital music market in Taiwan is just at the initial stage, it needs some film to be the leader to combine contents, equipments and platforms to bring the industry to step forward. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/81830 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |