Title: | 台灣3C流通產業發展歷程、核心能力及競爭優勢之研究—以A公司為例 A Study on Development Process, Core Competences and Competitive Advantage of Taiwan 3C Distribution Industry: The Case Study of A Company |
Authors: | 黃彥博 Yen-po Huang 朱博湧 Po-Young Chu 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 核心能力;3C流通產業;藍海策略;Core Competence;3C Distribution Industry;Blue Ocean Strategy |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | A公司成立於民國71年,由嘉義一間小門市批發電腦起家,經過二十多年的努力,今天已經成為擁有五十家分店,規模相當龐大的3C零售連鎖通路廠商。A公司在2006年以4.24元的每股盈餘成為3C零售通路的獲利王。本研究以個案研究方式探討A公司選擇電腦組裝市場,乃因察覺到消費者對於電腦組裝需求是存在的,且銷售電腦組裝元件的利潤較佳,A公司透過自行開發的管理資訊系統來管理多樣電腦元件,將庫存量保持在最佳水位,並透過與上游協同商務的策略,在價格上取得一定的優勢,讓消費者更能負擔得起。A公司並發現二級、三級城市,例如羅東、花蓮、台東等地消費者的購買能力並不比一級城市差,且租金和員工成本都大幅降低,因此在該地區積極布點都獲得良好的績效,創造3C通路電腦組裝的藍海。 The company A was founded in Chiayi Taiwan in 1982. Initially it was a wholesale distributor. Now it has owned fifty chain stores all over Taiwan. Its earnings-per-share (EPS) was 4.24 in 2006 and became the profitability champion of Taiwan 3C distribution industry. The study adopted the case study method to explore why the company A has chosen the personal computer (PC) do-it-yourself (DIY) market. It was attributed to the existence the demand of DIY as well as the higher margin of selling PC components than selling a PC system. The company has developed its core competence of managing the complexities of PC DIY components via the strategies of developing tailor-made MIS and collaborative partnership with major suppliers, in addition to its focus on expanding chain stores in secondary cities/counties of Taiwan to create its own blue ocean. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/82308 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |