Title: 不同階級主管之企業與資訊系統策略校準觀點之研究-以明泰科技為例
Perspectives from Different Levels of Management Teams on Business and Information Systems Strategies Alignment – a Case of Alpha Networks Inc.
Authors: 楊仁宏
Jen-Hung Yang
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 資訊系統策略;企業策略;策略調準;不同管理階層;明泰科技;Information systems strategy;Business strategy;Strategic alignment;Different levels of management teams;Alpha Networks
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 企業策略的制訂會因為內部和外部的環境而有所影響。隨著資訊科技的進步與網際網路技術的發達,資訊系統在企業經營活動中已從傳統的電腦化工具轉換成為影響企業垂直策略發展的角色。因此,企業策略與資訊系統策略間的調準儼然成為一個極為重要的議題。 策略調準的研究在過去十多年前開始受到重視,而大部分的論文探討企業策略與資訊系統調準為主要研究對象(Hambrick, 1981;Sabherwal and Chan, 1997;Luftman, 1993)。在IBM Systems Journal 於1993年出版一本special issue裡,專門探討企業策略與資訊系統策略調準相關議題。然而,大部分的研究都針對調準活動對組織績效的影響,但是卻忽略不同階層主管調準看法的研究進行討論。 本研究以明泰科技公司33位不同層級的主管為研究標的進行問卷調查與訪談。主要探討不同階級主管間對於企業策略與資訊系統策略調準觀點的研究。根據研究結果顯示,不同階級主管中,越高階主管之企業與資訊系統策略的觀點,調準的程度越高。
When formulating their business strategies, companies are influenced by both the internal and external environments. As a result of many significant advances and changes in the field of information technology and networking, the role of an enterprise’s information system has changed from being a traditional computing tool to an important factor that influences the enterprise’s strategic development. Therefore, the strategic alignment between an organization’s business strategy and its information systems is an important topic. Although strategic alignment has been studied extensively for more that two decades, most research has focused are on the strategic alignment between business strategy and information systems (Hambrick, 1981; Sabherwal and Chan, 1997; Luftman, 1993). For example, in 1993, IBM Systems Journal published a special series on the strategic alignment between business strategy and information systems. By comparison, few works have studied the relationship between business strategy and IS alignment from the perspective of different levels of management. This thesis takes Alpha Networks Inc as the subject of a case study. We use questionnaires and interviews to analyze the perspectives of thirty-three managers from different departments on the relationship or alignment between the company’s business strategy and its IS strategy. The findings show that the higher an executive’s level, the greater the alignment perceived between the company’s business and IS strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis