Title: | TFT-LCD廠建廠風險管理-鋼構組立作業安全分析 TFT-LCD plant construction risk management-steel structure assembly work safety analysis |
Authors: | 彭江渭 陳俊勳 Chiun-Hsun Chen 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
Keywords: | 鋼構;steel structure |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 隨著大尺寸TV面板技術成長及景氣逐漸復甦,廠商紛紛興建新高次世代TFT LCD廠投資金額動輒數百億,而大尺寸廠房面積及高度甚至以「高且大」的設計結構為訴求,每日參與興建的工作人員數百人至數千人,施工作業風險相對提高。因此,建廠期間營造安全管理之課題,就更顯得格外重要且更有挑戰性。 近年來,營造職業災害發生居高不下,根據勞委會的統計,尤其是墜落事故造成國內營造業職業災害的重大傷亡佔了四大主要原因之57%,其嚴重性不容忽視。而往往科技產品須隨著景氣循環的需求,建廠與擴廠時必然趕工、工程平行分包及未整合各分包商之間營造工地安全衛生管理問題發生,造成高科技產業於職災事件統計數字上有升高趨勢。此一現象在「高且大」的次世代TFT LCD 廠紛紛投入生產製造的行列而其工程浩大及趕工所衍生之風險可能更勝一般廠房。本文將初步探討工地鋼構組裝危害認知、評估與管制,藉以強化對承攬商管理,激勵建廠初期維護安全衛生品質,以期共同提升營造安全衛生水平進而降低職災發生率。 Abstract As the advance of large size TV panel technology and the gradual recovery of economics, manufacturers in succession build the later generation TFT-LCD plants, which the cost of investment easily can reache tens of billions dollars. Also, the structural design of large size plant is required to be “high in height and large in area.”The daily manpower involving in the plant construction may be as many as hundreds or thousands. Thus, the risk in the construction is expected much higher than that of general building. Therefore, the safety management during plant construction becomes more important and challenging than ever. In recent years, the accident rate in construction industry remains high. According to the statistics from Council of Labor Affairs, falling accidents make up 57% of the four main causes of serious injuries and deaths incidents that demonstrates how worse the situation is. Because the demand of high-tech products fluctuates with the economic cycle, the requirement of quick and rush in plant construction and expansion happens all the time. Works contracted to different vendors and without integrating the safety and health management between vendors in the same construction area always results in problems. It causes the increase of occupational accidents rate in high-tech industry. The risk of the “high and large” later generation TFT LCD plant is more than that of a common plant due to its large scale work and rush in workinf sehedule. This thesis discusses the identification, evaluation and control of hazards for the steel structure construction. By consolidating the vendor management and motivating the safety, health and quality during the preliminary stage of plant construction, it is wished to upgrade the safety and health lever in construction and decrease the occupational accident rate. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/82439 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |