Title: 以RC構造集合住宅漏水現象探討防水工程之因應對策-以台北地區為例
Propose The Waterproof Strategies Preventing Residences Made of Reinforced Concrete from Water Leakage, For Example in Taipei Area.
Authors: 黃義雄
Jerry Huang
Chuen-Shen Chern
Yuh-Chyun Ding
Keywords: 防水;漏水;預防;對策;實務;waterproofing;leakage;prevention;strategy;practical
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著國民所得提高,資訊科技進步一日千里,各行各業之技術亦不斷精進,對於「住」的需求品質也大幅提升。在人口集中都市化之發展下,都市區內建築用地越趨稀少,全球原物料及原油價格迭創新高,加上政府為提振景氣,持續釋出低利率房貸優惠措施,以及捷運、高鐵和快速道路等,重要交通運輸建設陸續完工啟用等因素,促使本波建築業房地產景氣於九十二年開始翻揚,房價隨之不斷攀升。尤其在都市精華地區和重要交通運輸建設受惠區域,房價可謂三級跳,甚至每坪百萬元之房價早已不足為奇。 然而據統計,新建房屋住宅完工交屋一年內漏水現象到處可見,儘管房價高得驚人,但營建工程之防水工程施工品質卻提升有限。在工程預算掛帥下,專業防水施工承包商競爭激烈,而且部分泥水或油漆承包商等亦加入戰局攪和,在先天上防水施工承包商素質即良莠不齊;而我國政府法令對於專業防水承包商尚無強制規範其施工能力,若業主、建築師、監造單位、工地主任或工程師等防水工程專業性不足,不了解防水材適用性,忽視設計與施工細節或管理疏忽等情形下,雖然工程完成,構造物表面經裝修材美化裝飾,但在天候、外力因素及居住使用考驗下,漏水現象即逐漸發生。導致居住使用上之不便,裝飾材或設備之損害,因而購屋者怨聲四起,與建商糾紛不斷。也因此建商、營造廠及防水專業承包商等需疲於奔命應付,不斷修繕、協調、安撫甚至賠償等問題應接不暇,奈何這因果是如何造成的呢? 其實,營建業從業人員孰人不想把房子蓋好,將外在漂亮內在堅固的房子,皆大歡喜的交予客戶。營建人除了本身基本專業知識外,更需要吸收學習許多寶貴經驗,作為工程實作上重要參考,避免錯誤重複發生,造成時間與財物無謂損失。在營建工程界,整體防水工程之相關技術及實務經驗的參考書籍文獻尚嫌不足,本研究論文即探討RC構造集合住宅之漏水現象,以預防的角度切入,提出防水工程於設計、材料及施工三大面向之因應對策,提供營建業界於防水工程實務上之參考。
With the increase of national income and the rapid progress in the fields of many occupations, people in Taiwan needs the better quality of housing. The scarcity of building land has forced the price up in lots of big cities, moreover, there has been risen to the prices of the global raw materials and crude oil recently. In order to boost the development of economy, the Government makes efforts to keep the low-rate mortgage. And several important public transport constructions were finished one after the other, such as the mass rapid transit, high speed rail and highways. The descriptions above, they would have been marking up the price of the housing buildings. We will not be surprised to find the price of the housing for 1 million dollars per 36 square feet. According to statistics, the new residential housing which found leakage phenomenon were everywhere within the first year. The level of the professional waterproofing skills of construction is limited upgrade which compared with the price of the housing. It is not only an extremely intense competition between the professional waterproof construction contractors by budget-oriented, but also some plasterers or paint construction contractors join to contend. However, the government decrees no professional waterproof contractors peremptory norms of their ability. If the owners, architects, supervisers or site chief engineers do not understand the applicability of the waterproof materials or neglect the details of design and construction, a tragedy will be occurred in the future. Under the tests of the weather, the external force and living use, the water leakage phenomenon that is gradually taken place. It will be led to the inconvenience of living and the damage of decoration or equipment. The construction contractors must pay a lot of money and time to repair the positions of water leakage and even give compensation to the customers. In fact, none of the construction workers does not want to build a good house giving to the customers happily. In addition to the basic construction expertise, they need to absorb a great deal of valuable experience as reference. They can learn to profit by others’experience and avoid repetition of mistakes. The overall related waterproofing technology and practical reference books are still insufficient in Taiwan. This research that addresses the strategies to avoid water leakage of residences made of reinforced concrete in three aspects ,such as design, materials and construction. It can be provided to the construction field as practical reference and advice.
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