Title: 國立國父紀念館服務品質與顧客滿意度和忠誠度關聯性之研究
The Relationships Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
Authors: 呂淑芳
Shu-Fang Lu
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 服務品質;顧客滿意度;顧客忠誠度;service quality;customer satisfaction;customer loyalty
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 國立國父紀念館係政府於民國61年,為紀念 國父孫中山先生偉大人格並發揚其思想學說而興建,然現今該館不僅是一個保存文物與文化資產的地方,更是國人及海內外人士從事休閒、藝文活動、學術研討及社教等多功能的最佳去處。該館兼具服務業與非營利事業組織兩種特性,其經營形態與理念會隨著時代而改變,尤其消費者意識抬頭,可供選擇的消費項目增加,消費者對於服務業或非營利事業組織服務品質的要求越來越高,因此,本研究主要目的乃在瞭解國立國父紀念館服務品質與顧客滿意度和忠誠度之關係,將研究結果提供該館管理者參考,進而提高該館顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 本研究運用Parasuraman, Zeithaml, 和Berry(1985,1988)三位學者所提出的服務品質衡量模式,來衡量屬於非營利性服務業之一的國立國父紀念館服務品質。以「反應性」、「利益性」、「信賴性」、「便利性」、「有形性」為研究服務品質之五構念,同時採用問卷調查法試圖了解服務品質與滿意度、忠誠度之關聯。 研究結果顯示,滿意度在服務品質的反應性與有形性構念, 對於忠誠度具有完全仲介效果;滿意度在服務品質的便利性構念對於忠誠度具有部分仲介效果,換言之,反應性對遊客滿意度具有高度的相關性與影響力,便利性對遊客滿意度具有高度的相關性與影響力,有形性對遊客滿意度具有高度的相關性與影響力,因此,國父紀念館在反應性、便利性、有形性方面,如提升服務品質,除對顧客的滿意度會明顯的提高外,顧客忠誠度亦會隨之提高。
National Dr. Sun Yat-sen was established to commemorate Dr. Sun’s centennial birthday in 1972. Now the memorial hall has turned into a multi-functional organization. It is not only a cultural asset, but also a wonderful place for citizens and visitors all over the world to see exhibitions, display artworks and hold seminars. More and more attention has been paid to the service quality offered by National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale used to evaluate the service quality, and then use the scale to investigate the relationships between service quality and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Five constructs for service quality have been found. They are responsiveness, benefits, trustworthiness, availability and tangibles. Scales for the above subconstructs as well as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have been developed with satisfactory reliabilities and validities. Empirical results have indicated that customer satisfaction completely mediates the relationships between responsiveness and customer loyalty and between tangibles and customer loyalty, and partially mediates the relationship between availability and customer loyalty. Managerial implications based on data analysis results have been discussed. Specific suggestions are given to help National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall with improvement of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Appears in Collections:Thesis