Title: 品牌效益對零售商價格促銷策略調節效果之研究
Moderating Effect of Brand on Retailers’ Price Promotion Strategy
Authors: 彭宜君
Peng, Yi-Jiun
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 價格促銷;商品掃描資料;價格促銷深度;價格促銷頻率;調節效果;全國性品牌;自有品牌;銷售;利潤;Price Promotion;Scanner Data;Promotion Depth;Promotion Frequency;Moderating Effects;National Brand;Private Brand;Sales;Profit
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 價格促銷的幅度與次數是零售商最難拿揑的抉擇,全國性品牌與自有品牌的競逐是無法輕忽的趨勢,有鑒於此,本研究探討價格促銷深度、價格促銷頻率與零售商銷售利潤的關係,並以「品牌效益」代表自有品牌與全國性品牌在不同的單位價格下對零售商的價格促銷策略所產生的不同影響,透過品牌效益,研究其對價格促銷策略的調節效果,以期提供未來零售商採行最適促銷策略的參考。   本研究採用GSB與美國芝加哥Dominick’s Finer Foods公司合作收集的商品掃描資料,涵蓋96家商店,156週,共847,282個觀察值進行分析。   研究結果顯示:價格促銷深度負向影響零售商銷售利潤;價格促銷頻率則對零售商銷售利潤具正向影響關係;而品牌效益具有顯著的調節效果--全國性中、高單價品牌適合採取較低的價格促銷深度,並應適度增加價格促銷頻率;全國性低單價品牌與自有品牌則適合較高的價格促銷深度,但價格促銷頻率不宜過於頻繁。
How deep and frequency of price promotion is always one of the hardest decision for retailers. We may also see the trend that competitions get harder between national brands and private brands. Correspondingly, this study tries to provide a reference for retailers in developing promotion strategy via investigating the relationship between Retailers' profit and promotion deep as well as frequency under brands effect on sales.   Scanner data co-collected by GSB and Dominick's Finer Foods in Chicago was applied and analyzed in this study. It contains 847,282 observations covering 96 shops with 156 weeks' sales duration. Some findings were identified and concluded in this study as below.   Price promotion deep will negatively impact sales profit of retailers, while price promotion frequency will result a positive impact. Brand shows a significant moderating effect on price promotion strategy. Low price promotion deep and high price promotion frequency will generate positive result on retailers' profit for national brands with medium to high unit price. While, for private brands and national brands with low unit price, promotion strategy of high price promotion deep and low price promotion frequency was suggested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis