Title: 中國大陸全國性及區域性中國大陸全國性及區域性銀行之效率-報酬率指標乘積分析
An Efficiency-Returns Product Analysis of Nationwide and Regional Banks in Mainland China
Authors: 陳彥慧
Yen-Hui Chen
Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: DEA;兩階段評估法;銀行;中國大陸;資料包絡分析法;data envelopment analysis (DEA);two-stage analysis;efficiency;banking;China
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究使用兩階段資料包絡分析法分析2001年至2005年45家中國大陸銀行的經營效率。除了估算各家銀行之經營效率外,同時探討影響無效率之因素為何。另外,並結合財務指標,探究經營效率與財務績效兼俱的銀行輪廓、及其值得學習的特點。研究對象方面,本研究係將城市商業銀行納入中國大陸銀行經營效率研究之先驅。研究模型係採用了營利性資產、放款兩個產出變數;固定資產、員工數、存款及借入款等三個投入變數。所有的名目數據資料皆經過以2001年為基期的GDP指數平減轉換為實質變數以進行研究分析。本研究透過Tobit廻歸模型的來檢定銀行的觀察值年限、成立年限、資產規模、分支機構數、放存比、政策相關、地域性、所有權等環境變數,是否對其無效率值具有顯著性影響。實證結果顯示,具整體技術效率之中國大陸銀行屬性包括:資產規模大者、放存比高者、區域性、股份制之銀行。另由時間點觀察,後期的整體技術效率差距逐漸擴大。
This thesis studies the efficiency of 45 banks (including 15 nationwide and 30 regional banks) in mainland China from 2001 to 2005. In the first stage of analysis, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach is applied to compute the efficiency scores. In the second stage of analysis, factors of inefficiency are analyzed by the Tobit regression. There are two outputs (earning assets and loans) and three inputs (fixed assets, employees, and deposits and lending) in the DEA model. All nominal variables are transformed into real variables by the GDP deflators at the 2001 price level. Factors of inefficiency include year, years since establishment, asset scale, number of branches, loan-deposit ratio, policy-related assignment, regional type, stock share type. Empirical results show that a larger asset scale, higher loan-deposit ratio, regional type, and stock-share ownership significantly increase a bank’s overall technical efficiency. The dispersion in efficiency scores increased in the sample period.
Appears in Collections:Thesis