Title: 中高溫捕碳劑研製鑑定與反應器測試技術開發研究
Authors: 陳三元
Keywords: 固定床/流動床;二氧化碳捕獲劑;再生程序;fixed bed/fluidized bed;sorbent;regeneration technology
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本計畫目的為研發與製備出可適用於中溫環境(300~500oC)之高效能二氧化碳捕獲劑以應用於固定床/流動床之量化技術。此項研究由於涉及複雜之材料設計、最佳化及改質等技術,其中隱含較為繁複與艱深之學理,如化學程式與熱動力學等,因此藉由已建立的Ca-Al-CO3 LDH系統之中高溫捕碳劑進行材料結構與特性改質,意即將Ca-Al-CO3 LDH 原有之捕碳溫度範圍從600~750oC調整至300~500oC,且仍具備其優異捕碳效能,並建立其製程最佳化。此外,中溫捕碳技術有兩項主要之技術瓶頸:(1)量產技術,須利用化工製程建立可自動化之量產程序,此部份可搭配核能所建立之量化製程示範系統發展。另一項評估指標為再生技術即系統之穩定性,包括再生再利用技術與熱回收等,利用材料特性改質與結構設計,使得整體性能優化並研究重要之高溫穩定性與再生程序,來配合提供相關製程技術以利後續kW級捕碳系統與示範系統之使用,以落實計畫目標。
In this works, development of regenerable CaO-based mixed sorbent for CO2 capture and applied to fixed bed/fluidized bed technology at medium-high temperature. The study involved of the material involved in the design, optimization and modification techniques, which implies more complicated and difficult of theoretical, such as chemical and thermal dynamics programed. By Ca-Al-CO3 LDH system to modified material structure and characteristics, and the capture carbon temperature range was adjusted from 600~750oC to 300~500oC. As the medium-high temperature CO2 capture has two main bottlenecks of the technology, including (i) automated processes by chemical engineering programed, and (ii) the assessment of renewable technologies for system stability, including regeneration technologies and heat recovery. Therefore, this project will use sorbent by INER with modification of materials research, performance optimization, high temperature stability, and regeneration process to provide the KW-class system.
Gov't Doc #: 1022001INER034
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93115
Appears in Collections:Research Plans