Title: | 利用行為觀測與眼動追蹤法比較不同媒介訊息設計對使用者經驗之影響(I) Using Behavior Observation and Eyetracking Method to Compare the Influence of Message Design in Media on User Experience |
Authors: | 許峻誠 Hsu Chun-Cheng 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系 |
Keywords: | 媒介;訊息設計;版式系統;眼動追蹤儀;美感情緒;行為觀測;media;message design;layout systems;eyetracker;aesthetic emotion;behavior observation |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 媒介是人的延伸,人必須透過媒介與世界互動,好的媒介設計與創新可以解決 人類問題並提昇生活品質。Marshall McLuhan 的媒介論認為相較於訊息本身傳遞的
內容,媒介「形式」所帶來的效果更為重要。也就是說,不同的媒介形式會產生不 同效果,進而影響使用者對訊息的接收與互動,近來許多研究也證實媒介與人類認
知的關係密不可分。然而,從設計形式差異角度探討媒介效果之研究不多,因此本 研究計劃預計以三年的時間,從微觀到宏觀角度探討媒介特性如何影響使用者經 驗。
第一年為基礎研究,首先將大規模回顧過去使用者經驗與媒介研究之相關發 展。接著再以平面媒體的版式系統為主題進行眼動追蹤實驗與情緒反應評估。第二
(如圖形、文字與版式)的差異以及對使用者經驗的影響。第三年則加入實體介面 的因素(實體形狀、螢幕尺寸與互動操作)探討訊息設計對眼動、操作行為以及美 感情緒的影響。
本研究將結合行為觀測技巧、眼動追蹤法與情緒測量,同時蒐集心理、生理與 行為資料,交互檢測以分析不同媒介設計特徵如何影響使用者經驗。研究預期成果 如下:
1. 從理論演進與研究方法的角度,有系統性的進行使用者經驗與媒介理論之文獻 回顧。
2. 瞭解不同媒介特性如何影響使用者的眼動、操作行為以及美感情緒。
3. 結合客觀的眼動測量工具、行為觀測技術與主觀語意評估資料,系統化分析各 種版式系統原型、眼動指標、操作行為和美感情緒之間的對應關係。
4. 驗證過去眼動、操作行為以及美感情緒理論,同時也希望對訊息設計理論以及 互動介面理論所有貢獻。
5. 提供不同媒體平台適合的設計策略,讓設計師更有效率的傳達訊息與發揮創 意。 Marshall McLuhan suggested that the effect created by the form of a medium is comparatively even more important than the message transmitted itself. In other words, different media produce different effects that subsequently influence the user’s acceptance and understanding of the message. The appearance of these media is greatly influenced by the use of layout systems, and this study takes this as its starting point for research. Also worthy of discussion and comparison are the fact that the varying dimensions of the different types of media platform result in differences in their effect in conveying messages, and that the effect of digital media must also take into account the factor of usability. The first year of the study will consist of research into basic layout systems and their application in print media; the second year will be given over to experiments with computer media; finally, in the third year experiments with user behavior factor will be carried out. This study use eye-tracking to analyse how different layout systems affect the user’s eye movements when browsing messages, and also the differences in the paths the eye follows when looking at traditional and digital media. Aesthetic emotion is central to research into user experience, influencing how we interact with messages, and this study uses the semantic differential method for evaluation. We predict this research will accomplish the following: 1. Review the user experience and media theory from the aspect of theory development and methodology. 2. Compare print media and digital media platforms, from early one-way visual reception to the modern addition of the interactive element, to explore whether or not this development has produced any difference in eye movement indices, behavior, and aesthetic emotion. 3. Combine the objectivity of the eye movement measuring instrument and the subjectivity of the semantic differential method to analyse the correspondence among each layout prototype, eye movement indices, behavior, and aesthetic emotion. 4. Understand the basic design characteristics and layout prototypes suitable for different media platforms, and discuss how these prototypes influence users’ eye movement, behavior, and aesthetic emotion. 5. Summarize layout prototypes for different platforms, and so enable designers to introduce any number of changes to further develop each type. Through these basic prototype systems, designers will be able to more effectively convey messages and bring their creativity into play. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2410-H009-028 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97715 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2586725&docId=390277 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |