Title: 道路交通安全改善方案之發展與評估方法之研究
Research on the Development of Highway Safety Improvement Program and Performance Evaluation in Taiwan
Authors: 張新立
Keywords: 交通安全改善方案;方案評估;評估方法;Highway safety improvement project;effectiveness evaluation;safety performance measure
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 道路交通事故造成嚴重傷亡,不僅造成當事人家庭之困擾,更造成國內龐大的社會成本損失。而道路交通安全不僅是我國道路主管機關持續關注的課題,也是世界各國致力改善的重要焦點。因此,各國政府除了投入龐大的資源來改善道路交通安全外,也致力於發展可能的改善方案發展及其所對應的評估方法,以研擬、評估、執行及追蹤各項道路交通安全改善方案。有鑑於此,本研究旨在透過文獻資料與實際案例之蒐集與回顧,以系統性的方法,完整掌握國際上近年在道路交通安全改善方案之發展與評估方法的趨勢,並以條理分明的架構,綜整呈現國際文獻資料與實際案例之回顧結果,以供未來因應國內道路交通安全課題之研究、發展與政策議題研議之參考。本研究將就以下議題優先進行文獻收集及回顧。(1)高齡用路人安全問題、(2) 機車安全問題、及(3)遊覽車安全。本研究將以所回顧整理的結果,進行國內案例之實際操作與應用,以展示此一系統架構在國內的可實踐性與適用性。
Road traffic fatalities and injuries have caused substantial social costs for almost every country in the world, and Taiwan is among one of which. Although many governments worldwide have devoted abundant resources in improving traffic safety in recent years, there are still many challenges. Among all of which, the selection of appropriate countermeasures and the evaluation of their effectiveness are most critical as they involve resource allocation and project implementation. As such, to identify keys to success in Taiwan, the research team seeks to undertake a study to systematically review and survey effective countermeasures that are currently implemented in benchmark countries, as well as their corresponding safety performance measures. Due to funding and time constraints, the focuses of this project are on countermeasures that aim to improve (1) older road user safety, (2) moped safety, and (3) bus and coach safety. Two demonstration projects will be conducted to develop and test the applicability of the countermeasures identified.
Gov't Doc #: MOTC-IOT-103-SDB001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98132
Appears in Collections:Research Plans