Title: 全球生活風格電視風潮下的台灣個案:媒體經濟與文化實踐的跨國比較研究
The Taiwan Case under the Global Trends of Lifestyle TV: A Cross-National Comparative Study on Media Economy and Cultural Practice
Authors: 魏玓
Wei Ti
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 2000 年之後,生活風格電視節目(Lifestyle TV)或改造電視節目(Makeover TV)在 世界各地形成風潮。台灣作為一個大量仰賴進口、本土生產不足的電視產業國,面對這 個風潮,回應出什麼樣貌的生活風格電視現象?初步觀察,台灣進口這類節目的數量並 不多,而自製的這類節目也同樣不是電視節目中特別受到重視的類別,甚至可以說,台 灣電視產業並無與西方國家直接類同的生活風格電視或改造電視節目。這跟台灣的特殊 電視產業和市場生態有什麼樣的關係? 不過,若不侷限於西方現有生活風格電視的形式(format)和定義,而從生活風格電視 作為一種現代公民的指導手冊的主旨和內涵來看,那麼台灣電視在這方面並非如表面上 那麼「空白」。台灣類似節目的樣貌和特徵為何?這類節目在台灣的電視發展史中,又 歷經什麼樣的轉變過程? 最後,台灣這類電視節目的特徵,若與西方國家以及鄰近國家相較,究竟有何異同,而 這些異同之於電視媒體以及電視文化全球化的議題上,又具有什麼樣政治經濟與文化意 義?
There has been a global trend of the lifestyle television or makeover television around year 2000. How is the response of Taiwan, as a region of underdeveloped television industry and is highly dependent on imported television programmes, to this trend? What is the pattern of Taiwan’s lifestyle television culture to do with its specific television industry and market? If not confining to the set format and definition of the Western lifestyle television, we may find out that the unique characteristics of Taiwan’s locally produced lifestyle television programmes. What are the evolution processes of this kind of Taiwan lifestyle television? What are the differences between Taiwan lifestyle television and its Western counterpart? And finally, what are the political economic as well as the cultural significance of these differences? The research will answer these questions.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2410-H009-037-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98308
Appears in Collections:Research Plans