Title: 台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究-PISA2015施測、分析與推廣( I )
The Study of Pisa 2015 National-Wide Testing, Analyzing and Publicity( I )
Authors: 佘曉清
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)下的國際學生評量計畫(PISA)將於2015進行以科學為主,數學、閱讀素養為輔的測驗。本計畫期望承接此大型施測計畫,包括所有從2014預試,2015正式施測、評分與資料分析研究相關工作。由於PISA測驗主要是檢視學生能否運用所學得的知識與能力,面對真實世界的問題,理解問題所提供相關訊息,進而統整評鑑,建構出解決問題情境之答案。此能力的表現可顯示該國的人力資源、創造力與競爭力。期望藉由此計畫進而將PISA正確的內涵與重要性在國內進行推廣進而傳播,期望對本國的教育政策與國高中的教育有所影響,許台灣一個具有競爭力的未來。
The PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment) is an international test under OECD(organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) which started from 2000 and giving test every three years across 67 countries at 2009. Our country started to join the PISA testing on 2006. The 2015 PISA will be given mainly testing students’ scientific literacy, and minor in testing math and reading literacy. This project aims to apply for taking charge of the national-wide PISA 2015 testing. It would include participating all the PISA meetings, national-wide field testing at 2014, national-wide formal testing at 2015, test coding, data analyzing, PISA 2015 test result reporting, PISA 2015 website maintance, and PISA publicity around the country. The purpose of PISA is to examine whether 15 years old students’ science, math, and reading knowledge, process skills and problem solving ability are able to comprehend problem and relevant information, further to organized, evaluated, and constructed ways to solve authentic situational problems. These abilities demonstrated human resources, creativity, and competitiveness of the country. This project would also focus on promoting such valuable and important innovations to our education policy and practice across the countries, regardless of ministry of education, school level, and teachers. It is hoping to increase the competiveness and having better school system in our country.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2511-S009-011
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98333
Appears in Collections:Research Plans