Title: 以表面處理提升金屬與射出成型塑料之結合性
Improving the Adhesion between Injection Molding Resins and Metals by Surface Modification
Authors: 徐瑞坤
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本計畫目標為利用微弧氧化與常壓電漿二種表面處理製程提升塑膠與金屬間的結合強度,使塑料能直接射出成型至金屬鈑金件上,達到同時擁有金屬外表與塑膠內機構件的複合機殼,其優點有金屬外殼具電磁波防護效果;微弧氧化生成之陶瓷層使表面耐熱、耐磨、硬度等性質提升;以塑膠機構件組裝所以產品表面平整不會有鎖孔或鉚釘等等。 本計畫將先對金屬材進行微弧氧化改變其表面機械性質,再以常壓電漿改善表面親水性,而後將處理後試片置入射出成型模具中製作剪切拉伸試片與對接拉伸試片,以了解何種表面性質能有較好的結合強度,以提供用此製程製作產品之機構設計依據。
In this project, Micro-arc oxidation (MAO) and Atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) are used to improve the adhesion between plastic and metal. As a result, a composite case can be made of sheet metal and resin by injection molding. The advantages of the composite case are: EMI protection, fine surface without rivets or holes, and easy assembly. These processes also improve the wear properties and hardness. First, we use the MAO process to change the mechanical properties of metal surface and improve its hydrophilic by Atmospheric pressure plasma. Second, put the treated metal specimen into the injection mold, and then inject resin on the specimen to complete the whole process. Shear Test and Butt Test will be performed. Finally, we will know what kind of the surface properties have the best adhesive effect and we can provide the design factors of this process.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2622-E009-016-CC3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98934
Appears in Collections:Research Plans