Title: 不同動機玩家與遊戲角色類型在不同遊戲任務型態中對問題解決表現與知識形成的影響
The Effects of Players’ Gaming Motivations, Avatar Roles, and Types of Game Scenarios in Affecting Players' Problem-Solving Performances and Knowledge Acquisitions
Authors: 李峻德
Lee Jiunde Jim
Keywords: 遊戲動機;任務類型;挑戰類型;挑戰難度;Gaming motivations;Quest types;Challenge types;Difficult levels of Challenges
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 線上遊戲可說是在互動系統發展史上最為成功的應用典範之一,它提供了 一個具創造性思考與主動學習的可能空間,學習者得以在這樣的環境中去即時探 索他們所學的技巧、概念、與策略。而線上遊戲在本質上所具有的挑戰與問題解 決,更使其被高度推崇為可以協助達成學習目的的最具潛力科技平台,但事實上, 有關在該種環境下是何種因素能夠影響玩家問題解決表現或者知識形成,相關的 資訊卻付之闕如。本研究旨在探討不同遊戲動機類型玩家、遊戲角色類型、與故 事情境等三因素,如何影響玩家的問題解決表現與知識構成。研究成果將能夠提 供有用的資訊,給相關的遊戲設計者與課程發展者於發展未來系統上的參考。
As one of the most successful applications in the history of interactive systems, online games have opened up possibilities for critical thinking and active learning. It enables learners to exploring their skills, concepts, and strategies instantly. With the natures of challenges and problem-solving, online game has been highly raised as one of most potential platforms to couple the very increasing interest in using such technology of achieving learning purposes. However, what issues inside such environment that might affect players’problem-solving performances and acquisitions of knowledge remain largely unknown. The study aims to explore the effects of different players’gaming motivations, avatar roles, and types of story scenarios in affecting players’problem-solving performances and acquisitions of declarative, structural, and procedural knowledge. The study results might provide useful information for game designer and instructional developers for the future development.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2511-S009-003-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99438
Appears in Collections:Research Plans