Title: | 以國家創新系統規畫台灣智能網發展政策 Development Strategy &Amp; Policy for the Smart Grid Systems Based on National Innovation System |
Authors: | 徐作聖 SHYU JOSEPH Z. 國立交通大學科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 國家創新系統;智慧型電網;產業政策;產業創新需求要素 |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 能源問題在21世紀受到許多國家與企業關注、重視,智能網(Smart Grid,或稱智慧電網)是透過ICT包括資料庫、人工智能(Artificial Intelligent)計算等技術,應用在能源使用與能源節約方面,希望藉此讓人們使用能源能更有效率,取代過去的手動抄錶方式,讓價格資訊能即時且正確無誤地傳達到消費者端。
本計畫結合徐作聖教授長期對麥可波特鑽石理論等研究所推衍出的『本土國家創新系統』以及『產業創新系統』模型為主軸,在研究方法上採用國家創新系統矩陣以及專家問卷分析,提出對智慧電網的創新政策規劃的具體建議,以期推動智慧電網的發展能加快執行速度與提高成效。 With integrating rising demand and increased renewable energy into an aging and overburdened power grid, over the past several years, the promise of smart grids and their benefits have been widely publicized. Such a modernized electricity network is also increasingly being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independence, global warming and emergency resilience issues. Bringing updated technologies to power generation, transmission, and consumption, smart grids are touted to revolutionize our economy, environment, and national security. Many corporations also foresaw the emerging markets for smart grid technologies and rushed to be the first to deliver. More often than not, energy policy should always take the front seat to the rush to implement. Hence, in this paper we will take a look at the innovation policies of implementing and developing the smart grid industry, especially for Taiwan. This research discusses innovation policies in the smart grid industry of Taiwan. Using Rothwell and Zegveld’s model of industrial innovation policy as a starting point, and our research indicates the policy tools used by Taiwan, followed by results that indicatenational preferences for innovation policy. Then, using the expert questionnaire and interview find out the Industrial Innovation Requirements and Policy Tools. Finally, comparing with both types of policy instruments, we have several suggestions for development of Taiwan’s smart grid. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC100-2410-H009-048 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99441 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2342158&docId=369239 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |