Title: 從注意力窄化與記憶結合探討情緒性內容對記憶的影響
Attentional Narrowing and Memory Binding: How Emotional Content Influences Memory
Authors: 陶振超
Tao Chen-Chao
Keywords: 指向反應;注意力攫取;意識察覺;眼動;Attentional capture;Conscious awareness;Eye movement;Orienting response
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 情緒性內容如何影響人們的記憶,涉及注意力窄化(attentional narrowing)、推敲(elaboration)、及固化(consolidation)三個資訊處理程序。現有文獻大多僅關注其中的二項,導致不一致結果的出現。本研究計畫以此三項內在心理機制出發,並改善現有研究在方法上(特別是記憶測驗)的遺漏,嘗試釐清情緒性內容對記憶的影響。
How emotion influences memory involves attentional narrowing, elaboration, and consolidation. However, most current research bears on only two of them. This research project proposes a theoretical framework including the above three underlying mechanism. Moreover, methodological issues, especially the misuse of memory tests, were pointed out and improved. The aim of this research project is to explain and predict how arousal and valence of emotional content interact with underlying mechanisms, which in turn affect the accuracy and vividness of emotional memory.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2410-H009-036-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99734
Appears in Collections:Research Plans