1 |
Generation of Higher Order Vortex Beams From a YVO4/Nd:YVO4 Self-Raman Laser via Off-Axis Pumping With Mode Converter
2015-01-01 |
2 |
Scattering resonance enhanced dye absorption of dye sensitized solar cells at optimized hollow structure size
2014-12-05 |
3 |
Efficiency improvement of GaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with reactive plasma deposited AlN nucleation layer on patterned sapphire substrate
2014-09-16 |
4 |
Field-programmable lab-on-a-chip based on microelectrode dot array architecture
2014-09-01 |
5 |
Frequency comb expansion in a monolithic self-mode-locked laser concurrent with stimulated Raman scattering
2014-09-01 |
6 |
Performance enhancement of GaN-based flip-chip ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with a RPD AlN nucleation layer on patterned sapphire substrate
2014-08-01 |
7 |
A 2.56 Gb/s Soft RS (255,239) Decoder Chip for Optical Communication Systems
2014-07-01 |
8 |
ChIPseek, a web-based analysis tool for ChIP data
2014-06-30 |
9 |
High-Efficiency and Crack-Free InGaN-Based LEDs on a 6-inch Si (111) Substrate With a Composite Buffer Layer Structure and Quaternary Superlattices Electron-Blocking Layers
2014-05-01 |
10 |
Active versus Passive Malware Collection
2014-04-01 |
11 |
A 48.6-to-105.2 mu W Machine Learning Assisted Cardiac Sensor SoC for Mobile Healthcare Applications
2014-04-01 |
12 |
Natural substrate lift-off technique for vertical light-emitting diodes
2014-04-01 |
13 |
Schottky barrier height modification of metal/4H-SiC contact using ultrathin TiO2 insertion method
2014-04-01 |
14 |
Diffuser-aided time-domain diffuse optical imaging: a phantom study
2014-04-01 |
15 |
Effects of the Multiple Solutions and Question Prompts on Generalization and Justification for Non-Routine Mathematical Problem Solving in a Computer Game Context |
2014-04-01 |
16 |
Improvement of emission uniformity by using micro-cone patterned PDMS film
2014-02-24 |
17 |
The Elusive Three-Coordinate Dicationic Hydrido Boron Complex
2014-01-22 |
18 |
Porous Inorganic Materials from Living Porogens: Channel-like TiO2 from Yeast-Assisted Sol-Gel Process
2014-01-08 |
19 |
Efficient Power-Analysis-Resistant Dual-Field Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor Using Heterogeneous Dual-Processing-Element Architecture
2014-01-01 |
20 |
Anatase and brookite TiO2 with various morphologies and their proposed building block
2014-01-01 |
21 |
Discriminant analysis of functional optical topography for schizophrenia diagnosis
2014-01-01 |
22 |
Porous titanium oxynitride sheets as electrochemical electrodes for energy storage
2014-01-01 |
23 |
Size-controlled wurtzite zinc oxide spheres with the characteristics of visible absorption and Mie scattering
2014-01-01 |
24 |
Redefining Security Criteria for Networking Devices with Case Studies
2014-01-01 |
25 |
Self-powered electrochemical deposition of Cu@Ni(OH)(2) nanobelts for high performance pseudocapacitors
2014-01-01 |
26 |
A Modified Harris Corner Detection for Breast IR Image
2014-01-01 |
27 |
Vapour solid reaction growth of SnO2 nanorods as an anode material for Li ion batteries
2014-01-01 |
28 |
2014-01-01 |
29 |
Synthesis of porous micro-sized titania cages and their photocatalytic property
2013-12-16 |
30 |
Solution-based silk fibroin dielectric in n-type C-60 organic field-effect transistors: Mobility enhancement by the pentacene interlayer
2013-12-02 |
31 |
SrTiO3/TiO2 Hybridstructure as Photoanode in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell |
2013-12-01 |
32 |
Improved High Code-Rate Soft BCH Decoder Architectures With One Extra Error Compensation
2013-11-01 |
33 |
The exceptional photo-catalytic activity of ZnO/RGO composite via metal and oxygen vacancies
2013-10-01 |
34 |
The "cascade effect" of nano/micro hierarchical structure: A new concept for designing the high photoactivity materials - An example for TiO2
2013-10-01 |
35 |
Investigating the temporal dynamics of continuously pumped Nd:YVO4 self-Raman lasers: observation of self-mode-locking
2013-09-01 |
36 |
Finding Near-Optimum Message Scheduling Settings for SHA-256 Variants Using Genetic Algorithms
2013-09-01 |
37 |
Non-antireflective Scheme for Efficiency Enhancement of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 Nanotip Array Solar Cells
2013-08-01 |
38 |
Photodegradation by a Heterogeneous Mixture of Micro-Sized Anatase and Truncated Rhomboid Anatase Hollow Spheres
2013-07-01 |
39 |
Synthetic Modification of Acyclic Bent Allenes (Carbodicarbenes) and Further Studies on Their Structural Implications and Reactivities
2013-04-22 |
40 |
Enhanced Light Output Power and Growth Mechanism of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on Cone-Shaped SiO2 Patterned Template
2013-04-01 |
41 |
Growth of gold nanowires on flexible substrate for highly sensitive biosensing: detection of thrombin as an example
2013-01-01 |
42 |
Alkali metal ion assisted synthesis of faceted anatase TiO2
2013-01-01 |
43 |
Large-scale synthesis of uniform Cu2O nanocubes with tunable sizes by in-situ nucleation
2013-01-01 |
44 |
Nanosized MnO2 spines on Au stems for high-performance flexible supercapacitor electrodes
2013-01-01 |
45 |
Efficiency and droop improvement in green InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes on GaN nanorods template with SiO2 nanomasks
2012-12-03 |
46 |
K and Au Bicatalyst Assisted Growth of Carbon Nanocoils from Acetylene: Effect of Deposition Parameters on Field Emission Properties
2012-12-01 |
47 |
Ultra-low voltage implicit multiplexed differential flip-flop with enhanced noise immunity
2012-11-08 |
48 |
One-step vapor-solid reaction growth of Sn@C core-shell nanowires as an anode material for Li-ion batteries
2012-10-28 |
49 |
Gold Nanostructures on Flexible Substrates as Electrochemical Dopamine Sensors
2012-10-01 |
50 |
A Low-Power DCO Using Interlaced Hysteresis Delay Cells
2012-10-01 |
51 |
A Low Voltage All-Digital On-Chip Oscillator Using Relative Reference Modeling
2012-09-01 |
52 |
A 5.79-Gb/s Energy-Efficient Multirate LDPC Codec Chip for IEEE 802.15.3c Applications
2012-09-01 |
53 |
Field Emission and Superhydrophobic Properties of Electrochemically Grown Gold Nanourchins
2012-08-01 |
54 |
Light Extraction Enhancement of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Using Crown-Shaped Patterned Sapphire Substrates
2012-07-15 |
55 |
2012-07-01 |
56 |
Diffuser-Aided Diffuse Optical Imaging for Breast Tumor: A Feasibility Study Based on Time-Resolved Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Modeling
2012-05-01 |
57 |
An Efficient DPA Countermeasure With Randomized Montgomery Operations for DF-ECC Processor
2012-05-01 |
58 |
Microwave-assisted Electroless Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles onto Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes |
2012-05-01 |
59 |
Urchin-like Ag Nanowires as Non-enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor
2012-04-01 |
60 |
A 2.37-Gb/s 284.8 mW Rate-Compatible (491,3,6) LDPC-CC Decoder
2012-04-01 |
61 |
A True Random-Based Differential Power Analysis Countermeasure Circuit for an AES Engine
2012-02-01 |
62 |
Electrochemical growth of gold nanostructures on carbon paper for alkaline direct glucose fuel cell
2012-01-01 |
63 |
Self-carbonized lamellar nano/micro hierarchical structure C/TiO2 and its Li-ion intercalation performance
2012-01-01 |
64 |
Simple chemical preparation of perovskite-based materials using alkali treatment
2012-01-01 |
65 |
The evolution of Ge nanostructures growth on silicon substrate by reduction of GeO2
2012-01-01 |
66 |
Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal nanocomposites comprising montmorillonite clay modified by conducting pentamerous oligoaniline
2012-01-01 |
67 |
A Sub-mW All-Digital Signal Component Separator With Branch Mismatch Compensation for OFDM LINC Transmitters
2011-11-01 |
68 |
A MPCN-Based Parallel Architecture in BCH Decoders for NAND Flash Memory Devices
2011-10-01 |
69 |
Conversion oil Potassium Titanate Nanowires into Titanium Oxynitride Nanotubes
2011-10-01 |
70 |
A Robust Frequency Tracking Loop for Energy-Efficient Crystalless WBAN Systems
2011-10-01 |
71 |
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Imaging of a Single Molecule on Urchin-like Silver Nanowires
2011-09-01 |
72 |
Efficiency and Droop Improvement in GaN-Based High-Voltage Light-Emitting Diodes
2011-08-01 |
73 |
A 90 nm All-digital Smart Temperature Sensor with Wireless Body Area Network Baseband Transceiver for Biotelemetry Applications
2011-08-01 |
74 |
A Predefined Bit-Plane Comparison Coding for Mobile Video Applications
2011-07-01 |
75 |
One-Step Ge/Si Epitaxial Growth
2011-07-01 |
76 |
A Low-Power and Portable Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for SoC Applications
2011-06-01 |
77 |
Electrochemical Growth of Gold Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
2011-02-10 |
78 |
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Nucleation of Epitaxial NiSi(2) in [110] Si Nanowires |
2011-01-20 |
79 |
GaN-Based LEDs Grown on HVPE Growth High Crystalline Quality Thick GaN Template
2011-01-01 |
80 |
Electrochromism of rutile nanowires, vertically aligned along the [001] direction, due to alkali metal ion intercalation
2011-01-01 |
81 |
2011-01-01 |
82 |
Photo-induced nucleation of rutile nanorods-an ignored parameter in crystallization
2011-01-01 |
83 |
Hole injection and efficiency droop improvement in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes by band-engineered electron blocking layer
2010-12-27 |
84 |
A Sub-10-mu W Digitally Controlled Oscillator Based on Hysteresis Delay Cell Topologies for WBAN Applications
2010-12-01 |
85 |
One-dimensional germanium nanostructures-formation and their electron field emission properties
2010-11-12 |
86 |
Silicon Rice-Straw Array Emitters and Their Superior Electron Field Emission
2010-11-01 |
87 |
(110)-Exposed Gold Nanocoral Electrode as Low Onset Potential Selective Glucose Sensor
2010-10-01 |
88 |
A Low Overhead DPA Countermeasure Circuit Based on Ring Oscillators
2010-07-01 |
89 |
Growth of Carbon Nanocoils from K and Ag Cooperative Bicatalyst Assisted Thermal Decomposition of Acetylene
2010-07-01 |
90 |
Photocatalysis by Electron Transfer between Different-sized Anatases
2010-06-15 |
91 |
Fast-lock all-digital DLL and digitally-controlled phase shifter for DDR controller applications
2010-05-10 |
92 |
Experimental study of R-134a evaporation heat transfer in a narrow annular duct
2010-04-01 |
93 |
Quantitative appraisal of the interfacial anchoring state of polyaromatic hydrocarbons during the formation of C/C composites
2010-04-01 |
94 |
Wide duty cycle range synchronous mirror delay designs
2010-03-04 |
95 |
Artificial Synthesis of Platelet-Like Kassite and Its Transformation to CaTiO(3) |
2010-03-01 |
96 |
Turbo Decoder Using Contention-Free Interleaver and Parallel Architecture
2010-02-01 |
97 |
Stacked Silicon Nanowires with Improved Field Enhancement Factor
2010-02-01 |
98 |
Electron Field Emission Properties of Nanomaterials on Rough Silicon Rods
2010-01-14 |
99 |
A Generalized Mixed-Radix Algorithm for Memory-Based FFT Processors
2010-01-01 |
100 |
Market uncertainty and mimetic isomorphism in the newspaper industry: a study of Taiwan's mainstream newspapers from 1992 to 2003
2010-01-01 |
101 |
A Frequency Accuracy Enhanced Sub-10 mu W On-Chip Clock Generator for Energy Efficient Crystal-Less Wireless Biotelemetry Applications
2010-01-01 |
102 |
Carbon nanobeads as an anode material on high rate capability lithium ion batteries
2009-11-30 |
103 |
Chemical Vapor Deposition of TiSi Nanowires on C54 TiSi(2) Thin Film: An Amorphous Titanium Silicide Interlayer Assisted Nanowire Growth |
2009-11-24 |
104 |
Glucose sensing by electrochemically grown copper nanobelt electrode
2009-11-15 |
105 |
Detecting HER2 on Cancer Cells by TiO(2) Spheres Mile Scattering |
2009-09-15 |
106 |
A Universal VLSI Architecture for ReedSolomon Error-and-Erasure Decoders
2009-09-01 |
107 |
Design of a Multimode QC-LDPC Decoder Based on Shift-Routing Network
2009-09-01 |
108 |
Growth of Pagoda-Topped Tetragonal Copper Nanopillar Arrays
2009-07-01 |
109 |
2009-05-01 |
110 |
Degradation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells due to CO and CO(2) poisoning
2009-03-01 |
111 |
Lithium Ion Intercalation Performance of Porous Laminal Titanium Dioxides Synthesized by Sol-Gel Process
2009-02-10 |
112 |
{110}-exposed rutile titanium dioxide nanorods in photocatalytic performance
2009-01-01 |
113 |
Growth of CaTiO(3) dendrites and rectangular prisms through a wet chemical method |
2009-01-01 |
114 |
Chimie Douce Route to Sodium Hydroxo Titanate Nanowires with Modulated Structure and Conversion to Highly Photoactive Titanium Dioxides
2008-12-09 |
115 |
Growth and characterization of Ge nanostructures selectively grown on patterned Si
2008-11-03 |
116 |
Interconversion of rutile TiO2 and layered ramsdellite-like titanates: New route to elongated mesoporous rutile nanoplates
2008-10-01 |
117 |
Dynamic system identification using a recurrent compensatory fuzzy neural network |
2008-10-01 |
118 |
Vertically well-aligned epitaxial Ni(31)Si(12) nanowire arrays with excellent field emission properties
2008-09-15 |
119 |
A symbol-rate timing synchronization method for low power wireless OFDM systems
2008-09-01 |
120 |
Efficient immune-based particle swarm optimization learning for neuro-fuzzy networks design
2008-09-01 |
121 |
Sodium niobate nanowire and its piezoelectricity
2008-06-19 |
122 |
Growth of high-aspect-ratio gold nanowires on silicon by surfactant-assisted galvanic reductions
2008-06-03 |
123 |
Synthesis of zirconium dioxide nanotubes, nanowires, and nanocables by concentration dependent solution deposition
2008-05-01 |
124 |
(101)-exposed anatase TiO2 nanosheets
2008-04-08 |
125 |
Ti5Si3 nanowire and its field emission property
2008-04-08 |
126 |
Quasi two-dimensional carbon nanobelts synthesized using a template method
2008-04-01 |
127 |
Synthesis of carbon hollow spheres and particles from CCl4 and Mo
2008-03-31 |
128 |
An LDPC decoder chip based on self-routing network for IEEE 802.16e applications
2008-03-01 |
129 |
Tailor made Mie scattering color filters made by size-tunable titanium dioxide particles
2008-02-21 |
130 |
An indexed-scaling pipelined FFT processor for OFDM-based WPAN applications
2008-02-01 |
131 |
Design of an H.264/AVC decoder with memory hierarchy and line-pixel-lookahead
2008-01-01 |
132 |
Design of A Memory-Based VLC Decoder for Portable Video Applications |
2008-01-01 |
133 |
An All Digital Spread Spectrum Clock Generator with Programmable Spread Ratio for SoC Applications |
2008-01-01 |
134 |
Graphene structure in carbon nanocones and nanodiscs
2007-12-18 |
135 |
Silicon carbide nanostructures from reactions between vapors of organochlorosilanes and liquid of sodium-factors affecting morphology and composition |
2007-12-01 |
136 |
An ultra-low-power and portable digitally controlled oscillator for SoC applications
2007-11-01 |
137 |
Fabrication of an ultra-nanocrystalline diamond-coated silicon wire array with enhanced field-emission performance
2007-10-31 |
138 |
Deposition of mesoporous silicon carbide thin films from (Me3Si)(4)Sn: Tin nanoparticles as in situ generated templates
2007-10-30 |
139 |
Growth of polycrystalline tubular silicon carbide Yajima-type reaction at the vapor-solid interface
2007-08-07 |
140 |
On the enhancement of field emission performance of ultrananocrystalline diamond coated nanoemitters
2007-08-06 |
141 |
The reliability improvements of carbon nanotubes emitters by utilizing an Fe-Ti codeposited catalyst
2007-08-01 |
142 |
Design of a DVB-T/H COFDM receiver for portable video applications
2007-08-01 |
143 |
An in/post-loop deblocking filter with hybrid filtering schedule
2007-07-01 |
144 |
Preparation of Mo2C@a-C core-shell powders via carburization of Mo particles by 1-chlorobutane and hexachlorobenzene
2007-07-01 |
145 |
Analysis and application of an on-package planar inverted-F antenna
2007-06-01 |
146 |
Growth of Cu nanobelt and Ag belt-like materials by surfactant-assisted galvanic reductions
2007-05-08 |
147 |
EELS plasmon studies of silver/carbon core/shell nanocables prepared by simple arc discharge
2007-04-01 |
148 |
Design of an FFT/IFFT processor for MIMO OFDM systems
2007-04-01 |
149 |
MLP/BP-based soft decision feedback equalization with bit-interleaved TCM for wireless applications |
2007-04-01 |
150 |
Phase segregation assisted morphology sculpting: Growth of graphite and silicon crystals via vapor-solid reactions
2007-03-22 |
151 |
Cone-stacked carbon nanofibers with cone angle increasing along the longitudinal axis
2007-02-01 |
152 |
Improvement of luminescent uniformity via synthesizing the carbon nanotubes on a Fe-TiCo-deposited catalytic layer
2007-02-01 |
153 |
A new soft variable length decoder for wireless video transmission
2007-02-01 |
154 |
Efficient reinforcement hybrid evolutionary learning for recurrent wavelet-based neuro-fuzzy systems |
2007-01-01 |
155 |
Additional Refresh Technology (ART) of advanced-MVA(AMVA) mode for high quality LCDs |
2007-01-01 |
156 |
Pillar-shaped carbon nanotubes by Ti-Fe codeposition |
2007-01-01 |
157 |
A 0.22nJ/b/iter 0.13 mu m turbo decoder chip using inter-block permutation interleaver |
2007-01-01 |
158 |
A joint architecture of error-concealed deblocking filter for H.264/AVC video transmission |
2007-01-01 |
159 |
An all-digital phase-frequency tunable clock generator for wireless OFDM communications systems |
2007-01-01 |
160 |
Innovative plasma alignment method in flexible liquid crystal display films |
2007-01-01 |
161 |
Reactive template assisted growth of one-dimensional nanostructures of titanium dioxide
2006-12-10 |
162 |
A low-complexity synchronizer for OFDM-based UWB system
2006-11-01 |
163 |
A low-power dual-mode video decoder for mobile applications
2006-08-01 |
164 |
A context adaptive bit-plane coder with maximum-likelihood-based stochastic bit-reshuffling technique for scalable video coding
2006-08-01 |
165 |
Formation of porous carbon materials with in situ generated NaF nanotemplate
2006-06-22 |
166 |
The formation of perovskite PbTiO3 powders by sol-gel process
2006-06-10 |
167 |
A clock generator with cascaded dynamic frequency counting loops for wide multiplication range applications
2006-06-01 |
168 |
Field-emission triode of low-temperature synthesized ZnO nanowires
2006-05-01 |
169 |
Tetrahydrofuran activation assisted synthesis of nanosized lithium niobate and lithium tantalate |
2006-04-01 |
170 |
A low power turbo/Viterbi decoder for 3GPP2 applications
2006-04-01 |
171 |
Effect of phosphorus dopant on photoluminescence and field-emission characteristics of Mg0.1Zn0.9O nanowires
2006-01-15 |
172 |
Electrical characterizations of a controllable field emission triode based on low temperature synthesized ZnO nanowires
2006-01-14 |
173 |
Reaction growth of MF2/a-C (M = Ca, Mg) core/shell nanowires at the interface of vapor and solid reactants
2006-01-03 |
174 |
Gate-controlled ZnO nanowires for field-emission device application
2006-01-01 |
175 |
Single-crystalline MgxZn1-xO (0 <= x <= 0.25) nanowires on glass substrates obtained by a hydrothermal method: growth, structure and electrical characteristics
2005-08-01 |
176 |
ZnO nanowires hydrothermally grown on PET polymer substrates and their characteristics |
2005-07-01 |
177 |
Design of a power-reduction viterbi decoder for WLAN applications
2005-06-01 |
178 |
A portable digitally controlled oscillator using novel varactors
2005-05-01 |
179 |
Low temperature synthesized Sn doped indium oxide nanowires
2005-04-01 |
180 |
Synthesis of silicon carbide nanostructures via a simplified Yajima process - Reaction at the vapor-liquid interface
2005-02-23 |
181 |
Purification of multi-walled carbon nanotubes through microwave heating of nitric acid in a closed vessel
2005-01-01 |
182 |
Characteristics and electrochemical performance of supercapacitors with manganese oxide-carbon nanotube nanocomposite electrodes
2005-01-01 |
183 |
Loss compensation in RF CMOS active inductor using a capacitor |
2004-12-01 |
184 |
Fabrication of vertical ZnO nanowires on silicon(100) with epitaxial ZnO buffer layer |
2004-11-01 |
185 |
A dynamic scaling FFT processor for DVB-T applications
2004-11-01 |
186 |
Carbon nanotubes as affinity probes for peptides and proteins in MALDI MS analysis
2004-11-01 |
187 |
Comments on Saeednia's improved scheme for the hill cipher
2004-09-01 |
188 |
Effect of Sn dopant on the properties of ZnO nanowires
2004-08-21 |
189 |
Effect of atmosphere on growth of single crystal zinc oxide nanowires
2004-08-01 |
190 |
Improving RF CMOS active inductor by simple loss compensation network |
2004-06-01 |
191 |
Field emission and photofluorescent characteristics of zinc oxide nanowires synthesized by a metal catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid process
2004-04-01 |
192 |
Polydimethylsiloxane soft template assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles via vapor-solid reaction growth |
2004-04-01 |
193 |
A new DLL-based approach for all-digital multiphase clock generation
2004-03-01 |
194 |
Convergent electron beam induced growth of copper nanostructures: Evidence of the importance of a soft template
2004-01-20 |
195 |
Two-level hierarchical Z-buffer with compression technique for 3D graphics hardware
2003-12-01 |
196 |
In situ generation of the silica shell layer - Key factor to the simple high yield synthesis of silver nanowires
2003-08-20 |
197 |
Preparing titanium oxide with various morphologies
2003-07-20 |
198 |
A novel RF CMOS active inductor |
2003-07-01 |
199 |
A low-power design for Reed-Solomon decoders
2003-04-01 |
200 |
Synthesis of cable-like copper nanowires
2003-02-05 |
201 |
An all-digital phase-locked loop for high-speed clock generation
2003-02-01 |
202 |
Error-resilient image coding (ERIC) with smart-IDCT error concealment technique for wireless multimedia transmission
2003-02-01 |
203 |
Copper-catalyzed ZnO nanowires on silicon (100) grown by vapor-liquid-solid process
2003-01-01 |
204 |
The effect of calcination temperature on the crystallinity of TiO2 nanopowders
2003-01-01 |
205 |
Synthesis of sp(2) carbon nano- and microrods with novel structure and morphology
2003-01-01 |
206 |
New nanotube synthesis strategy - application of sodium nanotubes formed inside anodic aluminium oxide as a reactive template
2003-01-01 |
207 |
SiCl3CCl3 as a novel precursor for chemical vapor deposition of amorphous carbon films
2003-01-01 |
208 |
Design of a wide-band frequency synthesizer based on TDC and DVC techniques
2002-10-01 |
209 |
Reduce the memory bandwidth of 3D graphics hardware with a novel rasterizer
2002-08-01 |
210 |
A fast audio bit allocation technique based on a linear R-D model
2002-08-01 |
211 |
A JPEG-like texture compression with adaptive quantization for 3D graphics application
2002-02-01 |
212 |
Polygon building block route to sp(2)-carbon-based materials
2001-07-18 |
213 |
A Reed-Solomon Product-Code (RS-PC) decoder chip for DVD applications
2001-02-01 |
214 |
A new approach of group-based VLC codec system with full table programmability
2001-02-01 |
215 |
A high-throughput memory-based VLC decoder with codeword boundary prediction
2000-12-01 |
216 |
The effects of growth temperature on the microstructure and electrical barrier height in PtSi/p-Si(100) Schottky barrier detector
2000-10-03 |
217 |
Analysis of dielectric breakdown patterns in parallel-plate capacitors |
2000-06-01 |
218 |
A share assignment method to maximize the probability of secret sharing reconstruction under the Internet |
2000-02-01 |
219 |
Cost-effective VLSI architectures and buffer size optimization for full-search block matching algorithms
1999-09-01 |
220 |
An all-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL)-based clock recovery circuit
1999-08-01 |
221 |
A generalized prediction method for modified memory-based high throughput VLC decoder design
1999-06-01 |
222 |
A probability model for reconstructing secret sharing under the internet environment
1999-06-01 |
223 |
Novel architecture for ATM QoS management
1997-12-01 |
224 |
A multicasting solution for ATM video applications
1997-08-01 |
225 |
An efficient VLSI architecture for full-search block matching algorithms
1997-03-01 |
226 |
Finite state vector quantization with multipath tree search strategy for image/video coding
1996-06-01 |
227 |
A shift register architecture for high-speed data sorting |
1995-12-01 |
228 |
1995-02-01 |
229 |
1995-01-09 |
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1994-12-01 |
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1994-10-01 |
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1993-11-01 |
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1993-08-01 |
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1993-05-01 |
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1992-03-01 |
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1989-04-01 |
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1988-06-01 |