1 |
Vibrational effects on UV/Vis laser-driven pi-electron ring currents in aromatic ring molecules |
2014-10-17 |
2 |
Franck-Condon factors perturbed by damped harmonic oscillators: Solvent enhanced X (1)A(g) <-> A(1)B(1u) absorption and fluorescence spectra of perylene
2014-08-28 |
3 |
Contribution of thermal energy to initial ion production in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization observed with 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone
2014-08-15 |
4 |
Volume polarization holographic recording in thick photopolymer for optical memory
2014-06-16 |
5 |
Fluctuation-induced transport of two coupled particles: Effect of the interparticle interaction
2014-06-07 |
6 |
Quantum Localization of Coherent pi-Electron Angular Momentum in (P)-2,2 \'-Biphenol |
2014-06-05 |
7 |
Influence of fabrication conditions on characteristics of phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymer for holographic memory
2014-06-01 |
8 |
Near-infrared sensitive photorefractive device using polymer dispersed liquid crystal and BSO: Ru hybrid structure
2014-06-01 |
9 |
Inertial effects in adiabatically driven flashing ratchets |
2014-05-19 |
10 |
Chirped-pulse manipulated carrier dynamics in low-temperature molecular-beam-epitaxy grown GaAs
2014-04-28 |
11 |
Real time monitoring of accelerated chemical reactions by ultrasonication-assisted spray ionization mass spectrometry
2014-01-01 |
12 |
Constraint Trajectory Surface-Hopping Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Photoisomerization of Stilbene
2014-01-01 |
13 |
Non-Markovian response of ultrafast coherent electronic ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules in a condensed phase
2013-12-07 |
14 |
Theoretical Formulation and Simulation of Electronic Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
2013-11-14 |
15 |
Ionization/dissociation processes of methyl-substituted derivates of cyclopentanone in intense femtosecond laser field
2013-10-24 |
16 |
Quantum chemical calculation of intramolecular vibrational redistribution and vibrational energy transfer of water clusters
2013-10-24 |
17 |
Topology of conical/surface intersections among five low-lying electronic states of CO2: Multireference configuration interaction calculations
2013-10-21 |
18 |
Lysozyme-encapsulated gold nanocluster-based affinity mass spectrometry for pathogenic bacteria
2013-10-15 |
19 |
Electronic and optical performances of Si and Fe-codoped TiO2 nanoparticles: A photocatalyst for the degradation of methylene blue
2013-10-01 |
20 |
Adiabatically driven Brownian pumps |
2013-07-08 |
21 |
Molecular Dynamics Insight into the Diverse Thermodynamic Behavior of a Beta-Hairpin Peptide |
2013-07-01 |
22 |
Quantum Chemical Calculations of Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution and Energy Transfer of Dipeptides (GlyTyr and LeuTyr) and Applications to the RRKM Theory |
2013-07-01 |
23 |
PQ:DMNA/PMMA photopolymer having amazing volume holographic recording at wavelength of insignificant absorption
2013-06-15 |
24 |
Lasing action in water vapor induced by ultrashort laser filamentation
2013-06-03 |
25 |
The optical absorption and hydrogen production by water splitting of (Si,Fe)-codoped anatase TiO2 photocatalyst
2013-05-01 |
26 |
Anharmonic Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) and product branching ratio calculations for the partially deuterated protonated water dimers: Dissociation and isomerization
2013-03-14 |
27 |
Coherent pi-electron dynamics of (P)-2,2 '-biphenol induced by ultrashort linearly polarized UV pulses: Angular momentum and ring current
2013-02-21 |
28 |
Near-infrared properties of Rh-doped Bi12TiO20 crystals for photonic applications |
2013-02-15 |
29 |
Theoretical Study on Structure and Sum-Frequency Generation (SFG) Spectroscopy of Styrene-Graphene Adsorption System
2013-01-31 |
30 |
Noncovalent interaction and its influence on excited-state behavior: A theoretical study on the mixed coaggregates of dicyanonaphthalene and pyrazoline
2013-01-29 |
31 |
Neutral-Fragmentation Paths of Methane Induced by Intense Ultrashort IR Laser Pulses: Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Approach
2013-01-17 |
32 |
Dynamic characterization of photo-alignment of azo-dye-doped polymer using phase modulated polarimetry
2013-01-01 |
33 |
C/B codoping effect on band gap narrowing and optical performance of TiO2 photocatalyst: a spin-polarized DFT study
2013-01-01 |
34 |
Specific interactions between the quaternary ammonium oligoether-based ionic liquid and water as a function of pressure
2013-01-01 |
35 |
Exploring the role of varied-length spacers in charge transfer: a theoretical investigation on pyrimidine-bridged porphyrin dyes
2013-01-01 |
36 |
center dot-ray induced effects in Sm-doped strontium borate glasses |
2013-01-01 |
37 |
Quantum Switching of pi-Electron Rotations in a Nonplanar Chiral Molecule by Using Linearly Polarized UV Laser Pulses
2012-09-05 |
38 |
Thermodynamics of protein folding using a modified Wako-Sait-Muoz-Eaton model
2012-09-01 |
39 |
Quasi-nonvolatile storage in Ru-doped Bi12SiO20 crystals by two-wavelength holography
2012-08-27 |
40 |
Absorption and fluorescence spectra of the neutral and anionic green fluorescent protein chromophore: Franck-Condon simulation
2012-07-10 |
41 |
Anharmonic Franck-Condon simulation of the absorption and fluorescence spectra for the low-lying S-1 and S-2 excited states of pyrimidine
2012-05-25 |
42 |
Electron-Deficient Pyrimidine Adopted in Porphyrin Sensitizers: A Theoretical Interpretation of pi-Spacers Leading to Highly Efficient Photo-to-Electric Conversion Performances in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
2012-04-26 |
43 |
Franck-Condon simulation of vibrationally resolved optical spectra for zinc complexes of phthalocyanine and tetrabenzoporphyrin including the Duschinsky and Herzberg-Teller effects
2012-04-14 |
44 |
Adiabatically slow and adiabatically fast driven ratchets |
2012-04-12 |
45 |
Autoionization rate constants of zero electron kinetic energy Rydberg states
2012-03-13 |
46 |
Correction of inhomogeneous magnetic resonance images using multiscale retinex for segmentation accuracy improvement
2012-03-01 |
47 |
Ultrafast coherent dynamics of nonadiabatically coupled quasi-degenerate excited states in molecules: Population and vibrational coherence transfers
2012-01-02 |
48 |
A vision-based regression model to evaluate Parkinsonian gait from monocular image sequences
2012-01-01 |
49 |
A 40-Gb/s OFDM PON System Based on 10-GHz EAM and 10-GHz Direct-Detection PIN
2012-01-01 |
50 |
Theoretical design of polythienylenevinylene derivatives for improvements of light-emitting and photovoltaic performances
2012-01-01 |
51 |
Quantum Chemistry Study on Internal Conversion of Diphenyldibenzofulvene in Solid Phase
2011-12-22 |
52 |
Subdiffraction scattered light imaging of gold nanoparticles using structured illumination
2011-12-15 |
53 |
Excited State ab Initio and Franck-Condon Simulation of S(1) -> S(0) Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of p-, m-, and o-Difluorobenzenes |
2011-12-08 |
54 |
A High-Pressure Study of the Effects of TiO(2) Nanoparticles on the Structural Organization of Ionic Liquids |
2011-12-08 |
55 |
Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video imaging using kernel-based principal component analysis
2011-11-10 |
56 |
The Role of the n pi* (1)A(u) State in the Photoabsorption and Relaxation of Pyrazine
2011-11-04 |
57 |
Environment-Dependent Ultrafast Photoisomerization Dynamics in Azo Dye
2011-10-27 |
58 |
Conversion Efficiency Enhancement of GaN/In(0.11)Ga(0.89)N Solar Cells With Nano Patterned Sapphire and Biomimetic Surface Antireflection Process |
2011-09-15 |
59 |
The visible spectrum of zirconium dioxide, ZrO(2) |
2011-09-14 |
60 |
Density Functional Theory Study of Conformation-Dependent Properties of Neutral and Radical Cationic L-Tyrosine and L-Tryptophan
2011-09-01 |
61 |
Volume polarization holographic recording in thick phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymer
2011-08-15 |
62 |
Achromatic design in the illumination system for a mini projector with LED light source
2011-08-15 |
63 |
Two-state Brownian motor driven by synchronously fluctuating unbiased forces |
2011-08-04 |
64 |
Observation of Inverted Regime Electron Transfer in CdSe/ZnS QDs from pH-Sensitive Single-Particle and Ensemble Fluorescence Measurements
2011-07-28 |
65 |
Interactions of Silica Nanoparticles and Ionic Liquids Probed by High Pressure Vibrational Spectroscopy
2011-06-23 |
66 |
Efficiency Enhancement in Single-Junction InGaP Solar Cells by Using Self-Assembled Nanospheres
2011-06-01 |
67 |
Real-time holography in ruthenium-doped bismuth sillenite crystals at 1064 nm
2011-06-01 |
68 |
Automatic spike sorting for extracellular electrophysiological recording using unsupervised single linkage clustering based on grey relational analysis
2011-06-01 |
69 |
Neutral dissociation of hydrogen molecules in a strong laser field through superexcited states
2011-04-28 |
70 |
Determining the optimal re-sampling strategy for a classification model with imbalanced data using design of experiments and response surface methodologies
2011-04-01 |
71 |
Franck-Condon simulation of the A (1)B(2) -> X (1)A(1) dispersed fluorescence spectrum of fluorobenzene and its rate of the internal conversion |
2011-03-07 |
72 |
Franck-Condon simulation of the A B-1(2) -> X (1)A(1) dispersed fluorescence spectrum of fluorobenzene and its rate of the internal conversion
2011-03-07 |
73 |
On the common mean of several inverse Gaussian distributions based on a higher order likelihood method
2011-02-15 |
74 |
A master equation approach to the dynamics of zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) states and ZEKE spectroscopy
2011-02-14 |
75 |
A High-Pressure Infrared Spectroscopic Study on the Interaction of Ionic Liquids with PEO-PPO-PEO Block Copolymers and 1,4-Dioxane
2011-02-10 |
76 |
Association structures of ionic liquid/DMSO mixtures studied by high-pressure infrared spectroscopy
2011-01-28 |
77 |
Seebeck coefficients in nanoscale junctions: Effects of electron-vibration scattering and local heating |
2011-01-25 |
78 |
A theoretical search for stable bent and linear structures of low-lying electronic states of the titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) molecule |
2011-01-01 |
79 |
2011-01-01 |
80 |
Effect of the Medium on Intramolecular H-Atom Tunneling: Cis-Trans Conversion of Formic Acid in Solid Matrixes of Noble Gases
2010-12-30 |
81 |
21 Gb/s after 100 km OFDM long-reach PON transmission using a cost-effective electro-absorption modulator
2010-12-20 |
82 |
Population trapping and rotational revival of N(2) molecules during filamentation of a femtosecond laser pulse in air |
2010-12-14 |
83 |
Solid-Phase Thermodynamic Interpretation of Ion Desorption in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization
2010-11-04 |
84 |
Ultrafast electronic motion in hydrogen molecular ions induced by a high power intense laser
2010-10-20 |
85 |
Anharmonic RRKM Calculation for the Dissociation of (H(2)O)(2)H(+) and Its Deuterated Species (D(2)O)(2)D(+) |
2010-09-23 |
86 |
Real-time measurement of photo-induced effects in 9,10-phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymer by phase-modulated ellipsometry
2010-09-01 |
87 |
Investigation of Conformation-Dependent Properties of L-Phenylalanine in Neutral and Radical Cations by Using a Density Functional Taking into Account Noncovalent Interactions
2010-07-22 |
88 |
Improved Capacitance Density and Reliability of High-k Ni/ZrO(2)/TiN MIM Capacitors Using Laser-Annealing Technique |
2010-07-01 |
89 |
Light-induced and holographic properties of ruthenium and manganese co-doped Bi(4)Ge(3)O(12) crystals |
2010-07-01 |
90 |
A QoS Optical Packet Switching System: Architectural Design and Experimental Demonstration
2010-05-01 |
91 |
High pressure effect on the ultrafast energy relaxation rate of LDS698 (C(19)H(23)N(2)O(4)Cl) in a solution |
2010-03-29 |
92 |
Nonadiabatic Response Model of Laser-Induced Ultrafast pi-Electron Rotations in Chiral Aromatic Molecules |
2010-03-12 |
93 |
Neutral Dissociation of Superexcited Oxygen Molecules in Intense Laser Fields
2010-03-11 |
94 |
Theoretical studies of ZEKE spectroscopy and dynamics of high Rydberg states
2010-02-12 |
95 |
Reciprocating and Directed Motion on the Nanoscale: A Simple Kinetic Model
2010-02-11 |
96 |
Blinking suppression of single quantum dots in agarose gel
2010-01-04 |
97 |
Blocked Electron Transfer and Suppressed Blinking of Single CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in Agarose Gel |
2010-01-01 |
98 |
Self-Assembled Two-Dimensional Surface Structures for Beam Shaping of GaN-Based Vertical-Injection Light-Emitting Diodes
2010-01-01 |
99 |
A theoretical study on the spectroscopy and the radiative and non-radiative relaxation rate constants of the S(0) (1)A(1)-S(1) (1)A(2) vibronic transitions of formaldehyde |
2010-01-01 |
100 |
Symmetry forbidden vibronic spectra and internal conversion in benzene
2010-01-01 |
101 |
gamma-TBSC: Time-Bound Signaling Control with gamma-Percent Soft Guarantee in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs |
2010-01-01 |
102 |
A +/- 6ms-Accuracy, 0.68mm(2) and 2.21 mu W QRS Detection ASIC |
2010-01-01 |
103 |
Anharmonic Franck-Condon Simulation of the Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra for the Low-Lying S(1) and S(2) Excited States of Pyridine |
2009-12-31 |
104 |
Dissociation Rate Constant of the Hydrogen Fluoride Dimer by the ab Initio Anharmonic RRKM Theory
2009-12-31 |
105 |
Solvation and microscopic properties of ionic liquid/acetonitrile mixtures probed by high-pressure infrared spectroscopy
2009-12-21 |
106 |
Improved Stress Reliability of Analog Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors Using TiO(2)/ZrO(2) Dielectrics |
2009-12-01 |
107 |
Effect of lanthanoid organometallic compounds on holographic storage characteristics of doped PQ/poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) hybrids
2009-12-01 |
108 |
Low-Threshold-Voltage TaN/LaTiO n-MOSFETs With Small EOT
2009-09-01 |
109 |
Optical properties and potential applications of epsilon-GaSe at terahertz frequencies |
2009-09-01 |
110 |
Design and fabrication of a polyimide-based microelectrode array: Application in neural recording and repeatable electrolytic lesion in rat brain
2009-08-30 |
111 |
On the calculation of rate constants of the small cyclic water cluster by anharmonic RRKM theory
2009-08-27 |
112 |
Molecular ionization of cyclohexanone in femtosecond laser fields: An application of ADK theory
2009-08-01 |
113 |
Pseudo-Banyan Optical WDM Packet Switching System With Near-Optimal Packet Scheduling
2009-08-01 |
114 |
Rotationally resolved ultrahigh-resolution laser spectroscopy of the S(2) (1)A(1)<- S(0) (1)A(1) transition of azulene |
2009-07-14 |
115 |
Ionization and Dissociation Processes of Pyrrolidine in Intense Femtosecond Laser Field
2009-07-09 |
116 |
Ab initio studies of excited electronic state S(2) of pyrazine and Franck-Condon simulation of its absorption spectrum |
2009-07-07 |
117 |
High-Density and Low-Leakage-Current MIM Capacitor Using Stacked TiO(2)/ZrO(2) Insulators |
2009-07-01 |
118 |
Quantum Chemical Modeling of Photoabsorption Properties of Two- and Three-Nitrogen Vacancy Point Defects in Diamond
2009-06-18 |
119 |
Molecular Dynamics insight into the role of tertiary (foldon) interactions on unfolding in Cytochrome c
2009-06-16 |
120 |
Excitation properties of the H3 defect center in diamond: A theoretical study
2009-06-16 |
121 |
Low-Threshold-Voltage TaN/Ir/LaTiO p-MOSFETs Incorporating Low-Temperature-Formed Shallow Junctions
2009-06-01 |
122 |
Interpretation on Band-broadening in Chromatography with Spatial Peak Profiles Obtained Using Whole-column Detection |
2009-06-01 |
123 |
Examination of the temporal effect in a flow injection analysis system using multi-channel absorbance detection
2009-05-22 |
124 |
Influence of neighboring levels in three-pulse photon-echo processes |
2009-05-01 |
125 |
Improving Light Output Power of the GaN-Based Vertical-Injection Light-Emitting Diodes by Mg(+) Implanted Current Blocking Layer |
2009-05-01 |
126 |
Net transport due to noise-induced internal reciprocating motion
2009-04-28 |
127 |
Matrix reorganization with intramolecular tunneling of H atom: Formic acid in Ar matrix
2009-04-14 |
128 |
A vision-based analysis system for gait recognition in patients with Parkinson's disease
2009-04-01 |
129 |
Theoretical treatment of anharmonic effect on molecular absorption, fluorescence spectra, and electron transfer
2009-03-30 |
130 |
Structural change of ionic association in ionic liquid/water mixtures: A high-pressure infrared spectroscopic study
2009-03-28 |
131 |
On the calculation of the dissociation rate constant of the water dimer by the ab initio anharmonic RRKM theory
2009-03-05 |
132 |
Automatic segmentation of magnetic resonance images using a decision tree with spatial information
2009-03-01 |
133 |
Phenanthrenequinone-doped copolymers for holographic data storage
2009-03-01 |
134 |
Thermodynamics of a conformational change using a random walk in energy-reaction coordinate space: Application to methane dimer hydrophobic interactions
2009-02-21 |
135 |
Preparation and characterization of Irgacure 784 doped photopolymers for holographic data storage at 532 nm
2009-02-01 |
136 |
Quantum Chemical Modeling of Photoadsorption Properties of the Nitrogen-Vacancy Pint Defect in Diamond
2009-01-15 |
137 |
Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles with Random Effects by Nonparametric Regression
2009-01-01 |
138 |
Low-V(t) TaN/HfLaO n-MOSFETs Using Low-Temperature Formed Source-Drain Junctions |
2009-01-01 |
139 |
Efficiency Enhancement and Beam Shaping of GaN-InGaN Vertical-Injection Light-Emitting Diodes via High-Aspect-Ratio Nanorod Arrays
2009-01-01 |
140 |
The influence of Rh doping on the light-induced properties of Bi(4)Ge(3)O(12) single crystals |
2009-01-01 |
141 |
Inferences on a linear combination of K multivariate normal mean vectors
2009-01-01 |
142 |
Highly Multiphoton Excitation of Molecule by Intense Laser Field |
2009-01-01 |
143 |
2008-12-20 |
144 |
Direct observation of super-excited states in methane created by a femtosecond intense laser field
2008-11-28 |
145 |
Experimental and theoretical investigations of ionization/dissociation of cyclopentanone molecule in a femtosecond laser field
2008-11-28 |
146 |
Structure and predissociation of the 3p sigma(u)D (3)Sigma(+)(u) Rydberg state of N(2): First extreme-ultraviolet and new near-infrared observations, with coupled-channels analysis |
2008-11-28 |
147 |
Improving segmentation accuracy for magnetic resonance imaging using a boosted decision tree
2008-11-15 |
148 |
Photoinduced Structural Dynamics in Laser-Heated Nanomaterials of Various Shapes and Sizes
2008-11-06 |
149 |
Local Structures of Water in 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate Probed by High-Pressure Infrared Spectroscopy
2008-10-01 |
150 |
One- and two-photon absorption properties of diamond nitrogen-vacancy defect centers: A theoretical study
2008-09-28 |
151 |
Potential energy surfaces for the lowest excited states of the nitrogen-vacancy point defects in diamonds: A quantum chemical study
2008-09-10 |
152 |
High density and low leakage current in TiO(2) MIM capacitors processed at 300 degrees C
2008-08-01 |
153 |
Peak crossover in high-performance liquid chromatography elution monitored using whole-column detection
2008-08-01 |
154 |
Effects of water and methanol on the molecular organization of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate as functions of pressure and concentration
2008-07-28 |
155 |
Algorithmic decoherence time for decay-of-mixing non-Born-Oppenheimer dynamics
2008-07-14 |
156 |
Improving the retention and endurance characteristics of charge-trapping memory by using double quantum barriers
2008-07-01 |
157 |
Comparison of MONOS memory device integrity when using Hf(1-x-y)N(x)O(y) trapping layers with different N compositions
2008-06-01 |
158 |
Resonance-enhanced dipolar interaction between terahertz photons and confined acoustic phonons in nanocrystals
2008-03-03 |
159 |
A non-parametric coverage interval
2008-02-01 |
160 |
Optical and holographic properties of Fe plus Mn co-doped Bi4Ge3O12 crystals
2008-01-01 |
161 |
Recycling MSWI bottom and fly ash as raw materials for Portland cement
2008-01-01 |
162 |
High-Performance MIM Capacitors Using a High-kappa TiZrO Dielectric
2008-01-01 |
163 |
Highly multiphoton molecular excitation by an intense laser pulse
2008-01-01 |
164 |
Theoretical study of multiphoton ionization of cyclohexadienes and unimolecular decomposition of their mono- and dications
2008-01-01 |
165 |
Experimental and theoretical investigation of high-power laser ionization and dissociation of methane
2007-09-27 |
166 |
Photodissociation of 1,3,5-triazine: An ab initio and RRKM study
2007-09-27 |
167 |
Theory of time-resolved sum-frequency generation and its applications to vibrational dynamics of water
2007-09-20 |
168 |
Nonlinear responses of degenerate two-level systems to intense few-cycle pulses
2007-09-07 |
169 |
Nonadditive interactions in protein folding: The Zipper model of cytochrome c
2007-08-01 |
170 |
Anharmonic effect on unimolecular reactions with application to the photodissociation of ethylene
2007-07-26 |
171 |
Generalized inferences on the common mean vector of several multivariate normal populations
2007-07-01 |
172 |
A 45nm dual-port SRAM with write and read capability enhancement at low voltage
2007-01-01 |
173 |
Fabrication and characterization of thick zinc methacrylate/phenanthrenequinone codoped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymers for volume holographic recording
2006-11-01 |
174 |
Theoretical treatments of ultrafast electron transfer from adsorbed dye molecule to semiconductor nanocrystalline surface
2006-10-21 |
175 |
Reciprocating nanoengine
2006-08-01 |
176 |
Geometrical effect of bump resistance for flip-clip solder joints: Finite-element modeling and experimental results
2006-08-01 |
177 |
Unified semiclassical theory for the two-state system: An analytical solution for general nonadiabatic tunneling
2006-07-28 |
178 |
Doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymers for holographic data storage
2006-06-01 |
179 |
Light-induced properties of ruthenium-doped Bi4Ge3O12 crystals
2005-12-01 |
180 |
Simplified design approach for cold-formed stainless steel compression members subjected to flexural buckling
2005-12-01 |
181 |
Generalized inferences on the common mean of several normal populations
2005-10-01 |
182 |
Effect of ZnMA on optical and holographic characteristics of doped PQ/PMMA photopolymer
2005-02-01 |
183 |
A Lagrangean relaxation-based approach for routing and wavelength assignment in multigranularity optical WDM networks
2004-11-01 |
184 |
Analyses on physical mechanism of holographic recording in phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) hybrid materials
2004-09-01 |
185 |
Generalized confidence intervals for the ratio of means of two normal populations
2004-06-01 |
186 |
A novel approach of fabricating germanium nanocrystals for nonvolatile memory application |
2004-01-01 |
187 |
Pattern-dependent copper microcorrosion from CMP |
2004-01-01 |
188 |
Light-induced properties of Ru-doped Bi12TiO20 crystals
2003-11-01 |
189 |
Experimental characterization of phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymer for volume holographic storage
2003-05-01 |
190 |
Exact tests in simple growth curve models and one-way ANOVA with equicorrelation error structure
2003-02-01 |
191 |
Effect of ruthenium doping on the optical and photorefractive properties of Bi12TiO20 single crystals
2002-03-15 |
192 |
Anisotropic diffraction of light by volume holographic grating in birefringent photorefractive crystals with extended wavelength range
2002-02-25 |
193 |
Comparison of the recording dynamics of phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrplate) materials
2001-07-01 |
194 |
Sidelobe suppression of spectral response in holographic optical filter
2001-04-01 |
195 |
Experimental observation of the slowdown of optical beams by a volume-index grating in a photorefractive LiNbO3 crystal
2000-11-01 |
196 |
Phenanthrenequinone-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) photopolymer bulk for volume holographic data storage
2000-04-01 |
197 |
A hetero-associative memory using phase-multiplexing references
2000-04-01 |
198 |
Dissociation and dynamics of the high-vibrational-state HF molecules under intense half-cycle and few-cycle pulses |
2000-03-01 |
199 |
Excitation of the NO molecule by chirped infrared laser pulses |
1999-11-01 |
200 |
Optimal conditions for thermal fixing of volume holograms in Fe : LiNbO3 crystals
1999-10-10 |
201 |
Synthesis and relationships between the nonlinear optical and holographic properties of dual functional azocarbazole chromophores based on photorefractive polymers
1999-08-24 |
202 |
Photorefractive Fe : LiNbO3 crystal thin plates for optical information processing
1999-07-01 |
203 |
The spatially-distributed recording of the composite filter using the pixelated liquid crystal display
1999-05-15 |
204 |
General solution of contradirectional two-wave mixing with partially coherent waves in photorefractive crystals
1997-06-01 |
205 |
Contradirectional two-wave mixing with partially coherent waves in photorefractive crystals
1996-08-01 |
206 |
1995-02-01 |
207 |
1995-01-01 |
208 |
1994-07-01 |
209 |
1993-12-15 |
210 |
Vibrational and rotational structure and excited-state dynamics of pyrene
1970-01-01 |
211 |
Localized Emitting State and Energy Transfer Properties of Quadrupolar Chromophores and (Multi)Branched Derivatives
1970-01-01 |
212 |
Analysis of Initial Reactions of MALDI Based on Chemical Properties of Matrixes and Excitation Condition
1970-01-01 |