Browsing by Author Hung, Hui-Chih

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2017Analysis of Competition Between IDM and Fabless-Foundry Business Models in the Semiconductor IndustryHung, Hui-Chih; Chiu, Yu-Chih; Wu, Muh-Cherng; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Sep-2012Dynamic inventory rationing for systems with multiple demand classes and general demand processesHung, Hui-Chih; Chew, Ek Peng; Lee, Loo Hay; Liu, Shudong; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jul-2017An enhanced application of Lotka-Volterra model to forecast the sales of two competing retail formatsHung, Hui-Chih; Chiu, Yu-Chih; Huang, Huang-Chen; Wu, Muh-Cherng; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2017A membership pricing policy to facilitate service scale-expansionHung, Hui-Chih; Chung, Chung-Yu; Wu, Muh-Cherng; Shen, Wan-Ling; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
9-Sep-2011Minimal Antizyme Peptide Fully Functioning in the Binding and Inhibition of Ornithine Decarboxylase and Antizyme InhibitorHsieh, Ju-Yi; Yang, Jung-Yen; Lin, Chih-Li; Liu, Guang-Yaw; Hung, Hui-Chih; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; 奈米中心; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics; Nano Facility Center
1-Nov-2014A modified Lotka-Volterra model for competition forecasting in Taiwan\'s retail industryHung, Hui-Chih; Tsai, Yun-San; Wu, Muh-Cherng; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Jan-2017A Modified Lotka-Volterra Model for Diffusion and Substitution of Multigeneration DRAM Processing TechnologiesHung, Hui-Chih; Chiu, Yu-Chih; Wu, Muh-Cherng; 工業工程與管理學系; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
1-Aug-2019Preemptive parallel-machine scheduling problem of maximizing the number of on-time jobsHung, Hui-Chih; Lin, Bertrand M. T.; Posner, Marc E.; Wei, Jun-Min; 工業工程與管理學系; 資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所; Department of Industrial Engineering and Management; Department of Information Management and Finance
2013光阻噴管配置模型之構建朱家德; Chu, Jia-Der; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu,Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2016到達不確定性下縮短預約間隔醫療排程問題游承翰; 洪暉智; You, Cheng-Han; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2016動態運補及私人交換之公共自行車系統 ─以台北市微笑單車系統為例陳銘德; 洪暉智; Chen, Ming-Te; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2017半導體產業垂直整合與垂直分工營運模式競爭分析邱育智; 巫木誠; 洪暉智; Chiu, Yu-Chih; Wu, Muh-Cherng; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2015可中斷工作於不等速平行機台之特定時段排程問題梁華展; Liang, Hua-Chan; 洪暉智; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2015台灣零售業之業態競爭預測模型蔡雲姍; Tsai, Yun-San; 巫木誠; 洪暉智; Wu, Muh-Cherng; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2011售價與時間相關之退化性工件排程問題李圻軒; Lee, Chi-Hsuan; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理學系
2011單一產品及兩種顧客之MTS系統的生產控制與存貨分配問題宮正樺; Gung, Cheng-Hua; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理學系
2017國家標準對食用棕櫚油產業之影響 - 以印尼為例卓珊迪; 洪暉智; Flori, Indrasanti; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2013多部彈性機台下最小化延遲訂單數問題徐衍凱; Hsu, Yen-Kai; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所
2012應用禁忌搜尋法求解跳躍式流線型生產線不得待機工件之排程王喻□; Wang, Yu-Hsien; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理學系
2012應用粒子群演算法求解最適ramp-up區間及新舊製程之產能分配問題林博文; Lin, Bo-Wen; 許錫美; 洪暉智; Hsu, Hsi-Mei; Hung, Hui-Chih; 工業工程與管理系所