Title: 周氏兄弟與《語絲》---1920年代中後期中國現代文學史的一個側面
The Zhou Brothers and Yu-Ci Weekly in the Late 1920s
Authors: 彭明偉
Peng Ming-Wei
Keywords: 魯迅;周作人;《語絲》週刊;知識分子;《野草》;318慘案;革命文學;陳西瀅;《現代評論》
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 就中國現代文學史來看,刊行於1920年代中後期的《語絲》週刊是繼承《新青年》傳統而來的,這份刊物以魯迅、周作人兩人為中心,集結一批青年作家的文人團體,延續《新青年》同人關懷時事、批評社會的傾向。這份刊物先後由周作人和魯迅主編,在當時的文壇產生廣泛的影響,當時幾場重要的文化與文學論爭,如因女師大事件與現代評論派的論爭、1926年發生的318慘案、北伐之前後革命文學的論爭等都與《語絲》有密切關聯,《語絲》往往也成為聚訟論爭的中心。就魯迅和周作人個人而言,他們兩人在1923年7月決裂之後,因為《語絲》創辦而再度合作,兩人不僅共同支持並先後擔任主編工作,同時也是最主要的撰稿者,由此可見魯迅和周作人都將《語絲》視為「自己的園地」,這份刊物對於他們個人的創作與思想而言是至關重要的。本計畫將以《語絲》為中心,來看周氏兄弟在政治社會急遽變化的年代,他們思想與創作產生了怎樣明顯的影響,探討他們如何因應中國左翼革命的潮流,如何由同盟合作而逐漸走向歧路。藉此,我們也能夠具體地看出中國現代文學史的轉折與發展軌跡,也可為進一步探討1930年代中國現代文學如何在左翼文學與現代主義文學兩個方向開展做準備。
Since the journal La Jeunesse (《新青年》) went to an end in the early 1920s, its spirit of social and cultural criticism is inherited by Yu Ci Weekly(《語絲》週報) in the late 1920s. The Zhou Brothers, Lu Xun and Zhou Zou Ren as the most prominent writers in that time, are the chief editors and the most productive writers of Yu Ci Weekly. In this project, I would like to analyze the thought and writings of Lu Xun and Zhou Zuo Ren during the period of Yu Ci Weekly, and how they reflected on the succession of political turmoil, such as 318 massacres in 1926, the Civil Revolution during 1926 to 1927 and the rising Marxist movement. It is a critical period not only for the intellectual transformation of Lu Xun and Zhou Zuo Ren, but also for the transformation of Modern Chinese literature. Besides, I also try to reveal the intellectual interaction between the Zhou Brothers and other young writers of Yu Ci Weekly, and show how the Zhou Brothers’ writings have profound impact on the younger generation.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2410-H009-071
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100207
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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