标题: | 遍布即时多媒体系统与技术---子计画一:在P2P环境下运用分散式视讯编码技术的视讯通讯系统设计 Visual Communication System Design Using Distributed Video Coding Technology in a P2P Environment |
作者: | 蔡淳仁 TSAI CHUN-JEN 国立交通大学资讯工程学系(所) |
关键字: | 分散式视讯编码法;对等连网;多点视讯会议系统;码率失真计算量最佳化;Distributed Video Coding;Peer-to-Peer Network;Multi-point Video Conferences;Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimization |
公开日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 在过去几次MPEG 国际会议,视讯压缩专家们开始寻找下一代的视讯压缩技术。 在一些可能发展的方向下,其中一个较特别的的提案是分散式视讯编码法(Distributed Video Coding)。这个新的压缩技术跟传统技术最大的差别在于分散式视讯编码法可以 很有弹性地把压缩编码的计算负担分散给解压缩器。根据资讯理论,分散式视讯编码 法的压缩编码效能不会比传统视讯编码法差。这个新的技术在多端点分散式异质系统 视讯通讯环境下特别吸引人。由于分散式视讯编码法可以很有弹性地调整在网路上每 一个通讯使用者所需负担的编码复杂度及所能得到的画质,如何在所有参与的使用者 之间得到整体的最佳通讯品质就成为一个十分复杂和有趣的问题。比方说,在一个P2P 的多方视讯会议系统中,不同的参与者拥有效能不同的通讯设备,也透过速度不同的 连线连到网路上。就纯理论的观点而言,在这样的系统下,要获得最佳的整体通讯品 质,每一个使用者所需负担的运算量(包含压缩编码、解码、及传输)应该是不一样 的。然而在传统的视讯编码技术限制下,每一个使用者在进行压缩编码和解码时的计 算量却都一样(假设画质和频宽的要求是固定的),换句话说,计算能力较强的使用者 不能协助和他有直接连线的低效能使用者分担编码的工作。而分散式视讯编码法就没 有这样的限制。在这个计画中,我们会以P2P 的多方视讯会议应用来探讨如何设计出 最佳的分散式视讯编码传输系统。 Recently, MPEG has started a new effort on next generation video coding technologies. Among several new proposals, one interesting technology is called Distributed Video Coding (DVC). Unlike traditional video coding, DVC allows flexible distribution of coding complexity between encoder and decoder. Theoretically, the coding efficiency of DVC should be as good as a traditional codec which put the burden of correlation removal solely on the encoder side. This new coding technology is particularly attractive in an environment where different devices are connected with heterogeneous networks. Since DVC can adjust the complexity and coding quality for each node, distribution of video content with this technology becomes a very sophisticated and intriguing problem. For example, for a peer-to-peer multi-user video conferencing system, terminals with various capabilities are communicating to each others with different network connections. From a theoretical point of view, the computational power required to optimally encode-distribute-decode video content among all users should be different for each terminal.With existing video coding technology, the coding and distribution complexity is fixed (assuming a fixed quality/bandwidth condition) for each terminal regardless of the performance of its conferencing partners and underlying network speed.With DVC, a powerful terminal can help its peers to reduce coding complexity without sacrifice coding efficiency. In this project, we will look into the design of a peer-to-peer visual communication system using distributed video coding technology. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC95-2221-E009-073-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101974 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1592336&docId=273132 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |