Title: 智慧型無線感應器系統平臺建構與其在土木結構診斷應用之研究---子計畫:無線感測平台及其網路健全度分析與相關知識平台之開發於於土木結構診斷之研究(II)
Study of Novel Smart Wireless Sensor (SWS) Platform,Robustness of SWS Network,And Development of Corresponding KM in SHM(II)
Authors: 洪士林
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 土木結構物因材料老化、外力作用或其他因素而造成結構物損傷或破壞,如何有效且適時判斷出結構是否有破壞、損壞位置及損壞程度成為土木結構工程領域迫切與重要的研究議題。近來,無線感測器的發展與應用已日益成熟,整合無線感測網路於土木結構健康監測系統為一重要研究議題。經過有效的設計、規劃與佈設感測器,建立一個完整的監測網路系統,監測系統將資訊回授給後端做資料分析與損害評估,接著做出決策與判斷,最後將經驗也就是”知識”存進知識庫中,提供給下一次監測系統設計與規劃的輔助資訊,構成一個完整的生命週期。本子計畫擬以三年的時間進行一系列之相關研發工作;第二年主要的研究工作為驗證與測試總計畫於本年度所開發之無線感測器之效能,將以總計畫所發展之10套無線感測系統模組原型(Prototype)應於土木結構診斷應用之功能測試與驗證,主要分為(1) 驗證與測試主計畫所發展之感測器的性能評估;(2)驗證與測試主計畫所發展之無線感測平台於土木建築環境的干擾評估;(3)探討應用於結構健康監測的無線訊號同步問題;(4)探討適用於土木結構健康監測的路由協定與無線感測網路之覆蓋問題。本研究第三年之研究項目將整合前兩年的研究成果,利用總計畫所發展之無線感測系統模組部設於大樓結構中測試無線感測系統模組其自我調適能力、網路的健全度、能源消耗、最大可用節點數、突發事件的處理能力等。
After successful planning and installing wireless sensor network system in a given structure system, a comprehensive structural health monitoring (SHM) system can be established. The measured data then will be collected via these wireless sensor nodes and sent back to the corresponding data center. Finally, the data will be analyzed and the index of damage for the structure will be assessed and corresponding judgment as well as decision will be made. These related knowledge for damage assessment, described in the previous steps, then store in a knowledge base, that will be a computer assistant system for subsequently SHM plans in future. The whole processes can be viewed as a SHM life cycle, and each process of the cycle may feedback their consequent information to automatic revise the system in an optimal condition. The objective of this research is, based on the SHM life cycle, to develop a smart wireless sensor knowledge management platform for assisting civil engineers to plan, design, and install smart wireless sensor network for SHM. The platform will provide and integrate multidisciplinary knowledge among civil and related engineers to setup an SHM system including wireless sensor component testing, various environmental testing, and verifying robustness of sensor network. As a result, civil engineers can establish an overall SHM system in a way of reducing installing time, labor work, and costs. The whole project is scheduled as a three-year long research, including wireless sensor component testing, the effect of environmental conditions for wireless sensor nodes, and creating corresponding knowledge base in the first year. Following, testing of various topologies of wireless sensor network, robustness of wireless senor network, and cresting knowledge base for wireless sensor network in the second year. Finally, a practical wireless sensor network will be installed in a building in MCTU and a series of corresponding tests, testing of conflict for ambient noises, accessibility of wireless sensor nodes, and capability of handling of extraordinary events, will be made. Meanwhile, different tests will be performed in different sub-projects.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2625-M009-007
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102000
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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