Title: RFID關鍵技術研發與資訊安全性之研究
Study and Develope RFID Software of Key Component and Security
Authors: 蔡文能
Keywords: RFID;EPC;Tag;PML;XML
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 隨著工業進步以及人口急遽成長,複雜的商業行為已經不是條碼(Barcode)所能夠負荷。加上條碼編號(UPC/EAN)即將宣告用罄,EPCglobal與老技術RFID搭檔組合已是全球製造業不爭的解決方案。因此RFID成為目前最為關鍵的技術指標,在未來的十年內必定成為影響全球經濟的主要科技。然而對於RFID軟體產業來說,因為RFID硬體尚處於未成熟階段,加上國內軟體產業未蓬勃發展,導致現在仍是處於一片渾沌不明的階段。以國內系統整合的實力,整個RFID價值鍊上最為欠缺的就是RFID軟體關鍵技術,尤其是相關的中界軟體。 我們提出此研究計畫,發展RFID軟體關鍵技術與中界軟體以測試目前RFID標籤與讀寫器的物理性能與極限。進而提出改善演算法以協助RFID能夠有更好的表現。此中界軟體以階層式模組化的設計方式,對下整合RS232、TCP/IP與PCMCIA通訊介面,並且將標籤訊息轉換成XML呈現方式,對上提供統一的使用介面。接著再以此為基礎與物流系統整合,這包含RFID讀寫器之3G模組之結合與後端伺服器系統之建置與整合。另外,為了快速協助國內產業導入RFID技術,我們主張應該另外衍生出RFID標籤製作與轉換的新產業,將購置RFID設備的成本與風險集中到固定的產業。這裡我們將提出B2R(Barcode to RFID)的第三者角色,由雙方所信任的B2R中立機構擔任轉譯角色,減低商業資訊外曝的疑慮 藉由此項計畫,我們將會同時具有RFID產業整合能力與相關學術研究能力。我們將實際採購RFID標籤印表機與RFID reader進行跨平台研發。藉由我們所改良的硬體設備與自行研發之中界軟體,更進一步進行我們所闡述的RFID應用,與交通大學各院所進行RFID相關研究。
In recent years, people found that traditional barcode technology is not sufficient to afford more and more complex business behaviors resulted from rapidly industry advancement and popularity explosion. EPCglobal and RFID technology both become our major solution for global manufacturing industry, with the anxiety of fewer available barcode spaces. Therefore, RFID becomes the key technology and will affect global economics within following ten years. However, RFID software industry in Taiwan is still marking time partly because of immature RFID hardware development or straggled software industry environment. All we need is a set of flexible and powerful middleware that can be used as the bridge between RFID technology and existing application programs. In this research, we will develop key software component, including middleware, for various RFID application. We will investigate communication methods of RFID reader, including RS232, TCP/IP and PCMCIA interface, and integrate diverse transmission frequencies. All Tag information will be transformed into XML format either complied with EPCglobal or customized format. With these middleware, we can first make several experiments on current RFID products and propose improvements on hardware limits using software algorithm. Based on this result, we will further design 3G communication module in middleware to extend the scope of global logistics. In order to help our industry using RFID technology without obstacle, we claim and propose the B2R (Barcode to RFID) industry that behaves as trusted third party. B2R will accept RFID tag producing request from traditional industry and manufacture tag as command securely without leaking out business secret of requesting clients. In this architecture, all investment risk and cost will be under control and other industries will adopt this RFID new technology as soon as possible. By doing this research, we will have both the RFID industry integration capability and research energy. We will design and implement hardware independent middleware that can be used with various RFID tag devices. Based on this self-designed middleware, we will apply to various applications cooperated with several departments of NCTU and proceed RFID related researches.
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2221-E009-133-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102264
Appears in Collections:Research Plans