标题: 结合渗透测试框架之攻击胁迫强化系统
A Systematic Exploit Strengthening Method Integrating with Penetration Testing Framework
作者: 陈泓文
Chen, Hung-Wen
Huang, Shih-Kun
关键字: 胁迫强化;返回导向编程;自动胁迫生成;软体安全;软体弱点;后胁迫框架;Exploit Strengthening;ROP;Automatic Exploit Generation;Software Security;Software Vulnerability;Post Exploitation Framework
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 近年来,由于软体品质良莠不齐,软体漏洞持续揭露、骇客攻击的事件层出不穷,软体安全议题因此逐渐受到重视。在现今高度资讯化的社会环境中,这些漏洞甚至危害到公共基础建设、进而可能影响到人身安全。尽管目前作业系统已支援多种保护机制,例如:资料防止执行 (W⊕X or DEP)、位址空间配置随机载入 (ASLR)等,但仍有绕过这些保护机制的攻击方法,例如:返回导向编程 (ROP, Return-Oriented Programming)。
在本篇论文中,我们提出改良 ROP,有效绕过保护机制的胁迫强化方法 (Exploit Strengthening Method)并结合自动胁迫生成 (Automatic Exploit Generation, CRAX),产生可绕过保护机制的胁迫 (Exploit)。我们的方法 (Exploit Strengthening Method)主要是运用返回导向编程 (ROP)的技术,透过搜集受测程式的机器语言指令片段 (称为Gadget),经过Gadget的筛选,组合出攻击的目标程式,例如:执行”/bin/sh”程式、产生Reverse/Bind TCP Shell后门。自动胁迫生成 (Automatic Exploit Generation, CRAX)则自动将软体漏洞 (Vulnerability)转换成可以运用的胁迫 (Exploit)。胁迫成功后,将Exploit以模组的形式汇入至Metasploit后胁迫框架 (Post Exploitation Framework)中,测试者只要透过Metasploit产生符合自己环境的胁迫执行档或代码,就可以在第一时间检测相关系统,判断与找寻可被胁迫利用的高危险性漏洞。
我们的方法经评估,优于现行公开且最普遍运用的系统:ROPgadget,10个大于100KB动态链结程式中,相较于 ROPgadget 只有三个成功,我们全部都能成功生成。我们也是唯一能结合后胁迫框架的胁迫工具链。
Due to software quality issues, recent attacks on various systems are getting serious, and the software security issues therefore become an important research topic. These attacks on the software vulnerability will not only endanger the information infrastructure, but also impact the human safety. To improve the overall robustness of the system, we need a penetration test system to audit related systems. We have proposed the concept of the exploit toolchain to automate the whole process of fuzzing, exploitation, and post-exploitation integration with the metasploit framework.
For the exploitation process, we must be able to bypass the recent protections and mitigations of the operating system, for example ASLR (Address space layout randomization) and DEP (Data Execution Prevention). We have enhanced the ROP (Return-oriented programming) technique to bypass ASLR and DEP protections by searching gadgets with larger sizes.
We evaluate our system by generating ROP payloads from ten target programs in the size greater than 100K bytes. Compared with the results of another popular ROP tool, called ROPgadget, only three targets have been succeeded. We can also integrate the generated exploits into the Metasploit framework.