Title: | 通路自有品牌商品類別、通路所在地區及通路點服務項目對消費者荷包佔有率之影響 -以A通路為例 The Effects between Share of Wallet and Private Label Product Category, Location, and Store Services |
Authors: | 鄧軒誌 Teng, Hsuan-Chih 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 管理學院經營管理學程 |
Keywords: | 荷包佔有率;通路忠誠;自有品牌;O2O;虛實整合;Share of Wallet;Store Loyalty;Private Label Share;O2O;Click and Mortar |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 當實體通路逐漸跨足線上通路已是目前不可逆的趨勢,實體通路業者如何掌握線上通路消費者的消費方式,以及如何藉由數據分析提升消費者對各通路的營收貢獻度,為實體通路在發展虛實整合及O2O(Online to Offline)的過程中非常重要的議題。本研究希望藉由分析實體通路中的消費行為,找出對於在實體通路習慣使用虛擬貨幣的消費者中,潛在可能增加消費者荷包佔有率(Share of Wallet),並進而提升通路營收的各項因素。
本研究實證資料來自A通路實際銷售數據,經驗證結果發現,(1)、通路點服務項目確實對消費者荷包忠誠度及通路自有品牌佔有率存在影響,存在休憩區與荷包佔有率的正相關程度較化妝室為高,自有品牌佔有率亦有相同的趨勢;(2)、產品特性也會對消費者荷包忠誠度及通路自有品牌佔有率產生影響,在日用品類的消費頻率,對荷包佔有率的影響效果雖低於食品類影響,但提升日用品類的消費頻率,有助於提升自有品牌佔有率;(3)、通路點所在地區特性與通路點所提供之服務服務項目間,對於都會地區的銷售而言,存在休憩區的通路及存在化妝室的通路,對於銷售額皆呈現負相關。在非都會地區,存在休憩區及存在化妝室則可以提升銷售額。 Since the physical stores have been threatened by online stores in this new O2O (Online to Offline) era, how to get the pattern of how your customers purchase and their potential needs become very important. Although there are many ways to analyze the loyalty of customers, this study examine the POS data from the specific chain stores in Taiwan;Our conclusion indicates the relations among the effects of the share of wallet, private label product category, location, and store service. First, the stores with rest area and restroom do effect on the customers' share of wallet and the private label share of the store. Second, the food category has higher effect on share of wallet, while the household category has higher effect on private label share. Third, the city consumers prefer to purchase in the stores without rest area and restroom while the suburban consumers prefer to purchase in the stores with rest area and restroom. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126462 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |