Title: | 串疊氮化鎵功率元件之拓樸實際應用 Practical Topology Application of Cascode GaN HEMTs in Power Electronics |
Authors: | 蔡昀辰 Tsai, Yun-Chen 鄭泗東 Cheng, Stone 機械工程系所 |
Keywords: | 氮化鎵;串疊電路;直流無刷馬達;太陽能微型逆變器;GaN;Cascode;BLDC;Micro Solar Inverter |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 以氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵半導體作為高電子遷移率電晶體(HEMT)時,相較於傳統以矽為主的場效電晶體(FET),此元件常開且適用於高頻操作。電力電子常用的拓撲隨著半導體的發展而不斷變化,近年來氮化鎵材料在業界積極被開發,因氮化鎵具有其優良特性,實現了需要低導通電阻和出色體二極體特性之拓樸,從而將應用擴展到傳統場效電晶體無法充分發揮之領域。本研究導入串疊(Cascode)結構,以常開型(normally-on) GaN-HEMT氮化鎵元件結合低壓矽場效電晶體,兩者進行串疊電路,形成常閉型(normally-off)開關元件。串疊氮化鎵結合了氮化鎵本身出色的反向恢復(Qrr)特性,低導通與低開關耗損,減少切換間能量的流失,進而改善電源系統開關效率。因串疊後氮化鎵具有與MOSFET功率元件相同工作原理,可直接替置現行以MOSFET作為電力轉換之驅動開關元件。本研究致力於將常閉型氮化鎵功率元件應用於不同電力電子拓樸中,包含以高效率系統驅動之直流無刷馬達及微型太陽能逆變器,並加以分析與MOSFET間差異,通過數位控制與驅動電路整合下,擴展了串疊氮化鎵之拓樸應用。 Normally-off GaN-based high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) have been developed with fast switching and low conduction losses. This study dedicated in applying normally-off GaN in conventional power electronic circuit topologies including high efficiency BLDC, and Micro Solar Inverter. Two different topologies: synchronous/nonsynchronous rectification, and ZVS full-bridge, are been investigated for GaN power device because of their fame of low Rds(on) and a superior reverse-recovery charge Qrr comparing to Si power MOSFET. Under 3x faster switching and 1.66x less power loss, GaN improved 2.73% efficiency than Si-based MOSFET with 250KHz switching frequency for boost converter topology. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/127181 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |