Title: Decreasing the Emittance Using a Multi-period Robinson Wigglers in TPS
Authors: Huamg, C. W.
Hwang, C. S.
Lee, S. Y.
Department of Electrophysics
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) has been successfully commissioned. However, the minimum emittance in the TPS lattice is 1.6 nm rad. In the existing TPS storage ring lattice, it is imperative to reduce the emittance to below 1 nm rad. Therefore, a feasibility study for reducing the effective emittance of the TPS storage ring by using a Robinson wiggler was launched; the reduction is necessary to enhance the photon brilliance. In this study, a permanent-magnet multiperiod Robinson wiggler (MRW) was developed for use instead of the single-period Robinson wiggler. In general, the quadruple field of a combined function magnet in the storage ring is approximately few tesla per meter. According to beam dynamic analysis, we found that it is necessary to adopt a high gradient (40 T/m) combined-function MRW magnet to reduce the emittance effectively. Therefore, a high gradient field strength is required in the combined function MRW magnet. In this study, the quadrupole field strength of the MRW magnet was allowed to be approximately 40T/m at a magnet gap of 20 mm. The period length of the MRW magnet was 300 mm and the period number was 16. The of MRWs is discussed in regard to the possibility of increasing the photon brilliance from IU22.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952784
ISBN: 978-0-7354-1398-6
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.4952784
Volume: 1741
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper