Title: 以電化學法沉積氧化鎳鈷於金包覆之泡沫鎳並應用於鋰-氧氣電池之陰極材料
Electrochemical Deposition of NiCo2O4 on Au-Covered Ni Foam as Cathode of Li-O2 Battery
Authors: 楊晉嘉
Yang, Jin-Jia
Chiu, Hsin-Tien
Lee, Chi-Young
Keywords: 鋰氧氣電池;陰極催化材料;Li-O2 battery;bifunctional catalyst
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來鋰-氧氣電池的研究日漸蓬勃,其極高的比能量密度引起學術界高度關注。而鋰氧氣電池主要之挑戰在於充放電時所發生之化學反應難以進行,需以催化劑輔助反應發生。本研究利用電化學方法在金包覆之泡沫鎳基材上沉積氧化鎳鈷當作電池充放電反應之催化劑。此電極材料應用於鋰-氧氣電池的陰極,在100 mA g-1的電流密度下可達到7800 mAh g-1之高比電容值。以500 mA g-1的充放電速率、定1000 mAh g-1電容充放電測試可維持穩定39圈充放電循環。以上述結果而言,我們設計並合成出鋰-氧氣電池理想的陰極材料,期待以此材料組成之鋰-氧氣電池能於未來大量應用於生活電子產品中。
Li-O2 batteries have been attracting increasing attention in recent years owing to its extremely high specific energy density. The critical challenge of Li-O2 battery is the relatively low activity of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) which occur at the cathode. In this work, electrodes were fabricated via electroplating NiCo2O4 on the Au-covered Ni foam and employed as the cathode of the Li-O2 batteries. As a result, the electrode possessed a remarkably high capacity of 7800 mAh g-1 at a current density of 100 mA g-1, and exhibited stable 39 discharge/charge cycles with a limited capacity of 1000 mAh g-1 at a high current density of 500 mA g-1. This results suggest that the electrode is a promising cathode material for Li-O2 batteries.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352528
Appears in Collections:Thesis