标题: | 以台湾某LED垂直整合制造商客诉处理案例分析建构该企业改善方向 Using Cluster and Correspondence Analyses on Claim Cases of A LED Intergrated Manufacting Company to Build Improving Suggestions |
作者: | 蔡佳静 王耀德 Tsai, Chia-Ching Wang, Yau-De 管理学院管理科学学程 |
关键字: | B2B客户满意度;客诉处理;资料探勘;知识开发;集群分析;关联对应分析;B to B, Customer Satisfaction;Customer Complain;Data Mining;Knowledge Discovery;Cluster Analysis;Correspondance Analysis |
公开日期: | 2016 |
摘要: | 因应全球对于LED在背光及照明多领域应用皆有强烈的降价并快速供应的需求,继而延伸出低成本但又得快速开发、连带降低的制造品质要求。该产业面临接踵而来的客诉使得LED客户服务单位应接不暇、人力也相较易流失的状况下、无法持续给予客户端稳定的专业支援、更由于不断再发的品质客诉使得客户满意度无法提升。根据过去研究文献,探讨客户抱怨处理方式及提升客户满意度等的相关研究大多是着重在客诉处理窗口与终端消费者一对一的因应方式,而B2B 产业结构里客户服务端与被服务的客户端并非单一个体也非终端消费者,无法以“人群行为”的角度去思考B2B产业结构炼内的需求与期望预估,唯一能忠实反映后端对于产品期望的具体数据则仅只有确实成立的投诉客诉案件。因此本研究计画以台湾某垂直整合上中下游的LED制造商提供的客诉资料来分析评量及谋求降低客户抱怨的策略方向。本研究以此出发点,锁定台湾某垂直整合LED前中后段的制造商、将其全球客户三年来的客诉资料,以对应分析进行统整归纳的方式、将LED供应链里的上中下游三段产品(Epi/Chip、Package LED、Lightbar module) 所发生的客诉案件各以不同面向的资讯项目如:产品形态、产品应用领域差异、客户应用区域、客户反映的客诉问题大类别(包含光电特性、产品外观、出货时的包装方式、拆包后进产线运用难易程度及信赖性问题等)、以及结案方式选定,进行各变项间的关联探讨与检验,以期整理出有效建议提升LED供应链企业价值认知、缩短处理客户投诉时间、或更甚一步提前预测未来客诉走向、提早安排可合格对应的人力或环境配置等资源。研究结果:建议个案公司1.应审查生产操作流程是否容易导致人员错误动作。2. 进料检验应落实勿使供应商来料不良造成公司营运损失。 The strong demand for fast product development and cost reduction of both backlight and lighting LED markets causes reduction in quality requirements. As a result, customer service employees are often overwhelmed by coustomers’ complaints and in consequence, their turnover rate is heightened and the satisfaction of customers is futher attenuated. In the literature, the solutions for the customer complaints and the enhancement of customer satisfaction are conducted on the cases of business to consumer (B to C) or consumer to consumer (C to C). Scarce research has examined the issue in the context of business to business (B to B), where the customers are neither end users nor single individual entities. We are not able to evaluate the demand and expectations of customers in of B to B industry by the view of “individual transaction event”. We can only judge the customers’ expectation in the B to B situation from the customer complaint cases in sequential interactions between one business entity and another business entity.. This study utilizes the cluster and correspondence analyses to explore the customer complaint reduction strategies of a vertically integrated LED Taiwanese manufacturer based on its three-year-span global customer complaint dataset. The cases of complaints are grouped in different categories according to their characteristics including the types of customers (upper, middle, amd downstream, that is, EPI/Chip, Package LED, and Lightbar module), the types of products models, the types of product applications, the types of complaints (electrical characteristics, product appearances, packages, reliabilities…etc). The types of the strategies used to respond to customer complaints are also categorized. We then examine the relationships between the types of strategies and the types of the characteristics of the complaints. The results of the study suggest that the management of LED companies can use their customer complaint statistics for real-time responses and focus on the priority of their responses. The findings also suggest that by sharing their cumulated experiences, senior customer service employees can help junior staff shorten the decision making time for responding to customer complaints. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063119 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/139505 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |