Title: 新北創力坊之商業模式分析
Business Model Analysis of New Taipei Innosquare Co-working Space
Authors: 陳兆年
Chern, Chao-Nien
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 創新;新創;共同工作空間;創意;創業;Innovation;accelerator;Idea;Startup;co-working
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 縱觀近年來各國各地皆無不著眼於協助青年創造創業,而我國新北市政府也不另外,該市政單位了解創新必須來自創造好的培養環境,因此規劃「新北創力坊」創業場域以期結合政策引導以及轉型之升級,鼓勵更多在地青年創意之發想養成,同時透過資金媒合、創業促進活動或競賽等核心元素,串聯更多周邊大專院校、公協會法人,以及中小企業主,得以逐步建立一個對青年創業家非常友善的創新創業環境,積極鼓勵創新文化蓬勃發展。 本論文探討研究對象將為「新北創力坊」場域之商業經營模式分析及相關成效,探討「新北創力坊」該政府計畫資源是如何能夠協助新創企業獲得最佳的輔導、產業連結及資金媒合,並將與國際間知名同類型創業場域進行比較,相對輔助本論文之研究。
Throughout the whole global is talking about “Innovation” and offers as much as possible resources to help entrepreneurs to have the best eco-system to incubate their ideas, New Taipei is not an exception has the same visionary concept that early idea must need an environment to grow. New Taipei Innosquare co-working Space, founded by New Taipei City Government, encouraging to play the lead role in assemble the right, variety of resources into one operation and connects most of all kinds of entities, such as local universities, associations, SMEs, enterprises, industries in order to look forward in establishing a friendly promise land for people who has an idea to change the world. The thesis will study about the business model of “New Taipei Innosquare co-working Space” and its outcome of operation status in search of how it helps startups in getting excellent mentoring, leveraging with corporations and opportunities of matching funds and capital, moreover, in this thesis will select few same, famous cases around the world to compare with.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252809
Appears in Collections:Thesis