標題: 以限制理論需求拉動補貨模式與緩衝管理改善零件耗材庫存管理---以W鐘錶公司為例
Improving Parts Inventory Management by TOC Demand-Pull and Buffer Management–A Case Study of W Watch Company
作者: 王冠臻
Wang, Kuan-Jeng
關鍵字: 鐘錶;限制理論;需求拉動補貨與動態緩衝管理;watches;theory of constraints;demand-driven replenishment and Dynamic Buffer Management
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 鐘錶業除了品牌經營,良好的維修售後服務也是決定產業形象與銷售的一項關鍵,而穩定的零件和耗材供應是售後維修的必備條件。石英錶所需求的電池是最主要的耗材之一,一旦發生缺貨,將會造成之後維修流程停擺。所以,為避免拖長維修時間,維修部都會備有電池庫存因應,但同時多量的電池庫存,有可能會放到過期,也會造成成本浪費及資金積壓。
In addition to the watch industry brand management, good after-sales service is a key industry decision image and sales, parts and supplies and stable supply is a prerequisite for Repairs. The de-mand for quartz watch battery is one of the main supplies, once the shortage occurred after the shut down will result in the maintenance process. Therefore, in order to avoid prolonged maintenance time, maintenance will be made available in response to the battery stock, but a large amount of battery stock, may put expires, will result in the cost of waste and the accumulation of funds.
In this study, watch repair company's battery inventory levels, for example, based on the theory of constraints to demand-pull replenishment and dynamic buffer management, verification through simulation and actual data to prove that the use of the past than the present demand for replenish-ment of the way, and more able to avoid Out of the situation, the manager can provide low invento-ry levels to prepare inventory, thereby reducing the backlog of funds and reduce the risk of battery expired.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363318