Title: 以質性分析與層級分析探討傑出劇作家創作歷程: 以優良電影劇本獎得主為例
Qualitative Analysis and AHP Approach in Outstanding Playwrights’ Creative Process: A Case Study on excellent screenplay winners
Authors: 黃伯雄
Huang, Po-Hsiung
Wang, Chih-Hsuan
Keywords: 多重個案研究;創作歷程;八卦系統之創造問題解決;層級分析法;Multiple Case Study;Creative Process;Eight Trigrams(BaGua) Model of Creative Problem Solving;Analytic Hierarchy Process
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究分為兩個部分,第一部份的研究目的利用質性之多重個案研究法,訪談三位國內傑出劇作家包括易智言、周美玲與陳文彬,並從個人特質、創作動機、創作環境、領域知識與技能與創作思考歷程等五個面向分析他們的創作歷程,探究三位劇作家的創作歷程之相似與獨特之處。第二部分的研究目的利用層級分析法(AHP)量化分析法,探究8位劇作家對於創作階段與創作階段中的創作活動之重要性,本研究採用Hong(2013)提出「八卦系統之創造問題解決模型圖」的架構,將劇本創作階段分為五個階段,問題開展、心智運作、想法產生、想法轉換與點子合理化,本研究有部分的準則是來自於第一部分的質性研究整理的劇作家各階段內的創作活動。第一部分研究的結果符合Sternberg與Lubart(1995)提出的創造力投資理論,劇作家在這六個重要元素的交互作用後產出膾炙人口的作品;第二部分的研究發現最重要階段為第二階段心智運作;其次則為第一階段問題開展;而第二階段內最重要的創作活動為全神貫注地沉浸在劇本創作上面,如同作白日夢;而第一階段內最重要的創作活動為好好生活並觀察自己、他人或社會的問題。
There are two parts in this research. The first part of the purpose of this study used qualitative analysis and multiple case study analsyis on three Taiwanese outstanding playwrights, Yee Chih-yen, Chou Mei-Ling, Chen Wen-Pin, from their creative process, and focusing on the five dimensions which are their personal traits, creative motivation, creative envioronment, domain knowledge and skills and creative thinking process to compare the similarity and uniqueness among these three playwrights’creative process.The second part of the purpose of this study used Analytic Hierarchy Process to quantitatively analyze the importance of the creative stages on eight playwrights, and we adopt Hong(2013) proposed eight trigrams(BaGua) model of creative problem solving which was used to divided the secreenplay creative stages into five stages, including (1)problem openness,(2)mental activation, (3)idea generation,(4)idea transformation,(5)rationalization to end. The partial criterias were from the first part of qualitative study which arranged playwrights’ creative activities of the five creative stages. The results of the first part of study are consistent with Sternberg and Lubart (1995) proposed Investment theory of creativity, and these playwrights produce the well-known works after the interaction of these six elements. The results of the second part of study which we found that the most import creative stage is mental activation of the second stage, and the secondary creative stage is problem openness of the first stage, and the most activity that is the playwrights would drown themselves in creating screenplay like day-dreaming in the second stage, and the most activity that is live a good life and observe the problems of yourself, others and the society.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253351
Appears in Collections:Thesis