标题: 天然气减压站设置营运模式分析之个案研究
The Analysis of Strategy in Natural Gas Reducing and Metering Station
作者: 庄永彰
Chuang, Yung-chang
Chung, Hui-min
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
关键字: 液化石油气;天然气;减压站;LNG
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 政府提出2025年无核化的愿景,台湾的电力需求缺口势必由绿能发电及火力发电来弥补,绿能发电不外乎太阳能、风力、水力发电,然而这些发电量较不稳定,惟火力发电是一稳定及成长率佳之供电方式,且学生一直致力于此电力供给发电方面,又由于全球暖化的议题,加上天然气发电的碳排放大幅低于煤炭发电,预估台湾的天然气进口量将以每年1.9%的速度成长。在此时期,本人合资创立BOT Global Pte Ltd公司,立足新加坡,范围涵盖东南亚各国,进行减压站相关设置代理,本论文透过个案研究的方式,探讨创业成功的关键因素与未来展望。
The government's vision of denuclearization in 2025, Taiwan's electricity demand gap is bound to be green energy and thermal power to make up, green power generation is nothing more than solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric power, but these power generation is less stable, but thermal power is a stable and good growth rate of power supply, and I have been committed to the power supply power generation, and because of global warming issues, coupled with natural gas power generation emissions significantly lower than coal power generation, estimated that Taiwan's natural gas imports will To 1.9% annual growth rate. In this period, I set up a joint venture to establish BOT Global Pte Ltd, based in Singapore, covering Southeast Asian countries, the decompression station related to set up agents, this paper through case studies to explore the key success factors and future prospects.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463023