标题: 基于猛禽码架构之通道编码结合与参数最佳化
The Combination of Channel Codes Based on Raptor Structure and Parameter Optimizing
作者: 张峻翊
Chang, Chun-Yi
Hsiao, Hsu-Feng
关键字: 通道编码;可适性视讯编码;不均等错误保护;猛禽码;Channel Codes;Scalable Video Coding;Unequal Error Protection;Raptor Codes
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 可调式视讯编码能够将视讯内容编码为许多层,每一层具有不同的重要性,为了在不可靠的通套上传输这样的资料结构,我们需要使用拥有不均等错误保护特性的通道编码。在这篇论文中,我们基于Raptor Codes的架构,结合Convolutional LDPC Codes和LMRC创建了新的编码,并为此编码设计一个参数最佳化流程。为了完善这个最佳化流程,我们需要一系列可灵活调适码率的Convolutional LDPC Codes,但现有的规律方法只能提供我们少数的选择,因此我们以非规律的方式改善它,使其能够满足我们的需求。有了改良后的非规律方法,就能拥有足够多的码率来进行最佳化,我们从小型的实验中归纳出一些规则来帮助我们降低参数排列组合的数量,并基于这些规则来设计最佳化流程,使我们的编码在有限的资源下可以提供最好的不均等错误保护。
The transmission of video content over network is an important issue nowadays, especially for Scalable Video Coding (SVC) content. The SVC encode the video into different layers which can be seen as different importances. To trasmit such data structure through unreliable channel, we use the technology of Unequal Error Protection (UEP) channel coding to encode the data with different importances. To more efficiently protect those data, we construct a new code based on structure of Raptor Codes with two individual codes, convolutional Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes and Layer-aligned Multipriority Rateless Codes (LMRC). We design a procedure to optimize proposed UEP Raptor Codes. In this optimization, however, we need sufficient amount of rates of convolutional LDPC codes to be the parameter choices. The exist regular method can generate a series codes with different code rates from a base matrix. However, it just provided a few number of choices. So we developed an irregular version based on regular method. With help of the proposed irregular method, we have a lot of rate choices in optimization. We designed some experiments to help us conclude some rules which can reduce the number of parameter permutations we need to search. We build an optimization procedure utilized those rules to find the best parameter setting of UEP Raptor Codes, and provide a best UEP performance under a given resource limitation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356602