標題: 二次應用之電池健康管理技術研究
A Study on Battery State-of-Health Management Technology for Battery Second-Use
作者: 原祥富
Yuan, Hsiang-Fu
Dung, Lan-Rong
關鍵字: 鋰離子電池;健康狀態;電池再利用;二次使用電池;儲能系統;燃料電池;Lithium batteries;state-of-health;battery second-use;second-life battery;energy storage system;fuel cell
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 基於節能減碳的綠色產業蓬勃發展,車輛載具使用鋰電池模組為主要動力來源已成為重要趨勢。由於鋰電池的製造成本與回收成本很高,許多的研究機構試圖找出如何充分發揮鋰電池模組的經濟效益,延長電池在役時間的技術或是經濟模式。鋰電池二次應用產業模式的研究便是其中一項引起綠色能源主要推動國家或地區的熱門主題。
Battery second-use (B2U) is a new business model in the future electric vehicle (EV) market to offset the high EV cost to customers by repurposing used EV batteries to a second-life application, such as a battery energy storage system (BESS) with a renewable energy source (RES), for maximizing its economic benefits. For B2U, battery state-of-health (SOH) managements are essential technology for evaluating the remaining value of an aging EV battery and maximizing the battery second lifetime.
In this dissertation, an off-line SOH estimation based on the charge transfer resistance is proposed for high power and high capacity lithium-ion battery cells, such as lithium iron phosphate or LFP battery cells, to estimate an unbiased and reliable SOH, so it can be a useful information for EV manufacturers and second-hand battery buyers in trading evaluation. As shown in the experimental results, the charge transfer resistance has a great aging change with battery degradation and good abilities against the state-of-charge (SOC) effect and external resistance variation in impedance parameters of a single time-constant equivalent circuit model (ECM) including ohmic resistance, charge transfer resistance, double-layer capacitance, and time constant, for SOH estimation. A fast and efficient three-point impedance extraction (TPIE) method is further proposed in this dissertation for accurately extracting the charge transfer resistance in off-line SOH estimation. The results of long-term cycling test demonstrate that the TPIE method can successfully indicate the SOH of LFP battery cells with low estimation error of 6.1%.
This dissertation also presents a dual second-life battery energy storage system (DSLBESS) with the battery depth-of-discharge (DOD) management for extending battery cycle life and system service time. The proposed system consists of a power management system, a dual-battery energy storage unit (ESU), a fuel cell (FC) stack, and two DC-DC unidirectional power converters. Unlike conventional BESSs, the dual-battery ESU in the DSLBESS serves as the primary power source, while the FC stack serves as the secondary power source. The proposed power management is based on a state-machine-based mechanism, using a battery interchanging strategy to limit batteries operating within a given DOD range. The state-machine-based mechanism is employed for reducing the effects of battery overcharging or overdischarging; thus, it can significantly improve the battery life time. In addition, this algorithm has the ability to distribute the power flow efficiently between the dual batteries and the FC stack, and also to keep providing a stable and continuous energy output for the load. A current-mode control DC-DC boost converter is designed to regulate the FC current and try to maximize the FC power for battery charging time reduction. The proposed system is designed and implemented with a 20W proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack and two 12Ah LiFePO4 batteries. The experimental results of capacity fades on various DOD tests verify the usefulness of the proposed DSLBESS. The comparison of life improvement shows that the cycle life has a 66.93% improvement when the normal operating region is limited within 60% DOD.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079712525