标题: 应用实验设计法提升蚀刻机台再启动时线宽稳定性-以P公司为例
Using Design of Experiments to Enhance the Critical Dimen-sion’s Stability in Etch Equipment Restarting - A Case Study of P Company
作者: 苏建裕
Su, Chien-Yu
Tong, Lee-Ing
Horng, Ruey-Yun
关键字: 晶圆;临界尺寸;蚀刻制程;实验设计;Wafer;Critical Dimension;Etch Process;Design of Experiments (DOE)
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 台湾半导体产业受到全球景气不佳及大陆积极布局的影响,面临不少的压力,半导体产业在制程上必须力求进步,在成本控制上也需要努力改善。半导体制程中蚀刻主要是藉由临界尺寸(Critical Dimension,CD)来控制晶圆质量的好坏。晶圆质量不好的原因很多,主要都是机台造成,半导体的机台又特别复杂,闲置后再运转往往会因为某些因子不稳而导致CD值不稳定,然而,控制每一个影响机台不稳定之因子所花费的成本太高,不符合效益,因此大多数厂商会采用测试片使机台处于稳定的状态。本研究之主要目的即是针对台湾某半导体公司的蚀刻制程,运用实验设计(Design of Experiments, DOE)手法找出最佳之测试片种类及机台参数的组合,使机台处于稳定的状态,以有效提升蚀刻制程之稳定性。本研究最后以案例公司之实际蚀刻制程资料,验证了本研究方法确实可提升蚀刻机台再启动时CD稳定性及最大化之机台产能。
Semiconductor industry in Taiwan is facing huge pressure because of global recession and aggressive overall arrangement of Chinese Semiconductor Companies. Semiconductor industry has to seek advanced progress in manufacturing process as well as the improve-ment of cost control. In semiconductor manufacturing process, we mainly rely on Critical Dimension (CD) to control the quality of wafers. There are many factors raising poor quali-ties of wafers, however, most of them are caused by the instability of equipments. Semi-conductor equipment is particularly complex. To restart equipment after being idle for a while will come out unstable CD values because some factors change and turn to be unsta-ble. However, the cost is extremely high to stabilize every factory that affects the instability of the equipment. Therefore, most of the manufactures utilize dummy wafers to retain the stability of equipments. The main purpose of this study is to effectively reduce the failure rate of etching process by utilizing the methodology of Design of Experiments (DOE) to find out the best combination of the type of dummy wafers and equipment parameters for etching process of a specific semi-conductor company in Taiwan. In this study, the real data from an etching process was used to verify that the proposed method is effective in enhance the CD’s stability when the etch equipment is restarted and the productivity of equipment can be maximized.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363324