标题: 分享还原法─多媒体档案保护与应用
Sharing and recovery for multimedia protection and application
作者: 李相贤
Lee, Suiang-Shyan
Lin, Ja-Chen
关键字: 可携式文件分享;文件隐藏法;交叉还原法;三维模型保护;视觉秘密分享;视觉密码;PDF sharing;PDF hiding;Cross recovery;Protection of 3D models;Visual secret sharing;Visual cryptography
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本论文研究分享还原法在多媒体档案保护的应用。一般通用型演算法即使同时适用于多种多媒体格式,表现仍远逊于针对特定格式做处理的专用演算法。因此我们检视下列三种多媒体格式特性,分别是Portable Document Format (PDF)、三维模型、与网页影像。首先,PDF格式已是主流且常见的传递文件方式,如何安全地保护PDF档案是一个重要课题。我们提出的 (t, n) PDF分享机制,能将机密PDF档案拆解成n个伪装PDF档案,每个伪装PDF档案外观上不会出现丝毫异样。一旦使用者收集到t份伪装PDF档案,即可将机密PDF档案完整无失真还原,但如果收集到的伪装PDF档案小于t份,使用者只能得到杂讯。所提保护架构能容忍遗失并避免恶意人士取得机密。而在三维模型的应用与保护里,我们提出了交叉还原机制,允许被保护的三维模型以群组为单位做保护。考虑过往研究,研究重点常放在探讨独立存在的三维模型,然而这意味着当某个模型完全遗失,该模型即无法还原。我们提出的三维模型交叉还原分享法,让自身的还原资讯交由其它同组的三维模型交叉携带。一旦组内有部分模型遗失或遭受窜改,能藉由同组其他模型的互相支援,复原受损资料,达到交叉还原目的。除了针对安全保护,此架构亦能应用在慢速网路环境里,提供加速观看到粗略模型外观的能力。最后,我们提出了一个新的应用领域Web-VC。将传统视觉密码技术实现于网页上。在解密时,使用者能利用CSS色彩混合模式(blend mode)作解密动作,此行为无需撰写任何程式码,其解密复杂度与传统视觉密码相当,仅需直接将分存摆放在相同网页位置并配上所需的CSS模式,即能看到所藏机密影像。我们使用CSS色彩模式模拟OR与XOR两种运算子,并发现独有的Web-VC运算子,以此为基础设计出翻转型与友善使用者之分存的视觉密码。Web-VC具有良好抵抗压缩能力,即使在有失真压缩情况,解密时仍能使机密影像能被肉眼观看。
This thesis is on the sharing and recovery for multimedia protection and application. We consider three kinds of media formats: Portable Document Format (PDF), three-dimensional (3D) models, and web images. PDF is a popular file format to store documents; the protection of PDF files is thus important. We present a (t, n) PDF-sharing scheme which shares the given secret PDF file among n steganographic (stego) PDF files. Each stego-PDF file looks completely identical to its original PDF version. When people collect sufficient number t of stego-PDF files among the n created stego-PDF files, the secret PDF file can be revealed error-freely, while less than t stego-PDF files gets nothing but noise. Therefore, our protection not only tolerates missing, but also resists thief’s peeping. As for 3D models, we proposed a cross-recovery scheme to protect a group of 3D models. Let us consider how to transmit 3D models in an unreliable environment or channel. Most of the reported studies usually pay attention to a single model. This implies that there is no way to recover if the single model is lost. Hence we consider the joint support of a group of n models. The lost or damaged models can be reconstructed using the mutual support of the survived authenticated models, as long as the number of lost or damaged models is not larger than a given value n−t. We call this benefit as “cross-recovery” ability. The proposed scheme can also be utilized to accelerate the viewing of a group of models in a transmission mission. Finally, we propose a new Web-VC scheme. The conventional encryption techniques of visual cryptography (VC) are extended to webpage. The key point is that CSS blend modes can simulate OR and XOR operators. As a result, the secrets can be revealed in a web browser by stacking shares together without any additional computation. The decoding complexity of Web-VC is as simple as VC. Moreover, Web-VC has strong ability of resisting compression.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079855848